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  1. KiefDurban

    The NEW Gage Green info thread

    if you sell 1/4 as many packs at 250 than you would at 70 your making the same amount minus 30 bucks and still have that many more packs to sell for the 250......Smart if you ask me!! But most of yall have never had to try and operate a business that's profitable before m I'm guessing
  2. KiefDurban

    The NEW Gage Green info thread

    Haha; y'all are truly sad people. I probably shouldn't be enjoying y'all getting so upset but am. If you can't afford 250 for 10 seeds which will produce thousands of dollars worth of flowers your math is shit and you don't deserve to own the genetics. It was my first post; this is my second for...
  3. KiefDurban

    The NEW Gage Green info thread

    Have any of you talking trash actually met the people your talking shit to? The internet is an oddly "safe" place for people to air their own personal issues upon someone else. Let it be; lol. Y'all are sad. Much love to GGG; M4K and KeyPlay!