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  1. J

    way early, but trichs look good

    when the lights came on i went to take some pics, and looked at more buds than i did last night. i found many that were still only milky and cloudy and i have pretty much decided to wait at least another week, but hopefully make it through the full 8 week flowering period. Heres a few pics I...
  2. J

    way early, but trichs look good

    I went to take a pic of the trichs under magnification but the lights are allready off for the night... I'll try and post one when they are back on around 1pm tomorrow
  3. J

    way early, but trichs look good

    the scope has a lousy light but its so bright in the room it always looks ok... i know its not just a scope issue because previously they always looked crystal clear
  4. J

    way early, but trichs look good

    So today marks 6 weeks of flowering for my 3 plants. I'm growing Jacky White, which according to the seed packet has an 8 week flowering period. Inner leaves are just starting to yellow and die, the hairs are about 40% red and everything seems to be on track. Here's the catch, today I checked...