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  1. Dave124

    Advice And Must Haves For The Noobs

    nice advice mate
  2. Dave124

    Advice And Must Haves For The Noobs

    nothing wrong with that for your first grow mate! the way I see it is we will get better and better evrygrow
  3. Dave124

    Advice And Must Haves For The Noobs

    dont no if you wrote that on the wrong thread or not but nones showing off here mate we are just showing each other our grows! mate u aint had any smoke today! but chill man
  4. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    yeah that makes a lot of sense the ones I have got going now have stayed green throughout and there two weeks left I was going to start flushing them but I'm not going to now! bugeye thanks for your feedback mate I really appreciate it! I'm always keen to learn new and different ways! top bloke
  5. Dave124

    Advice And Must Haves For The Noobs

    cheers jdogg hopefully they will swell nice and big
  6. Dave124

    help a brother out! any feedback on these babies? good bad and the ugly!

    yes mate my first time growing it tnh its only my second grow! the last one I did was blue cheese,that smelt nice but no where near as nice as OGK! my last grow I made a few mistakes so got a rubbish yield hoping this time my yield will be better looks like it will be so far! question for you...
  7. Dave124

    help a brother out! any feedback on these babies? good bad and the ugly!

    I no exactly what you are saying! mate that looks insane!
  8. Dave124

    help a brother out! any feedback on these babies? good bad and the ugly!

    indacouch they OGK smells incredible don't they! have you done OGK before?
  9. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    nice! I grew blue cheese before this and jesus the smell was incredible
  10. Dave124

    help a brother out! any feedback on these babies? good bad and the ugly!

    cheers trynax! I'm fairly happy with them but its always good to get a second opinion! hoping fpr 20 ounce I had to tie them they was getting two heavy are you growing?!
  11. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fucking hell! anyome got any tissues I need a wank now haha
  12. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm that stoned right now this convo is fucking with my head!
  13. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    so how do u dry yours mate
  14. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    cheers buddy now that I'm a fan of!
  15. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    iv been here 5 mins and it seems u all have me sussed out already
  16. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hahaha u fucking legend! course i do that normally when I'm fucking my mrs! i will think of anything other than her lol
  17. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    animal shit? i don't grow in animal shit! my buds last time tasted nice but i did cure it for quite a while! ofcourse i did it because i was told to I'm a newbie i listen to what any experienced people tell me because i don't no any other way! i don't want to argue I'm two stoned but helpful...
  18. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm not the one wearing a gimp mask mate ;)
  19. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    not sure mate to be honest its only my second grow! last time i got fifteen ounce from 4! so i wasn't very happy but i learnt from basic mistakes like bigger pots more nutes better heat exchange etc! iv got them in 40l pots from b and m i just drilled holes at the bottom! i wanna get at least 20...