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    i add about a tbl spoon per gallon to my water everytime i water my plants. i also mix it with pure blend nutes. i have yet to see any negative affects. hope this helped atleast a little
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    ....f@cking US goverment

    Just think of how the US would be if one day suddenly Marijuana was legal.. what would happen is hard to predict, there is way to much controversy on both sides. i personally think president Oboma will make the right steps in decriminalizing Marijuana thus making legalization that much closer...
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    anyone seen this yet?

    Wow thats really something, i would like to try a grow like that someday
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    Yeah i shoulda filled them full, but didnt feel like buying another frozen blcok of soil. I pruned cause no light wasn't getting to a majority of the bud. i read that you should try to prune only once and don't be afraid to chop some shit down.
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    Alright, got a update: 12/12 light cycle started the other day. let me know your opinions. Hopefully i didn't pull a rookie move and prune to much. I need a better Camera
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    anyone seen this yet?

    how the hell do you grow something like this?
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    kelp spray

    Anyone? im wondering the same thing
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    Kickass, i'm excited to clone them tomorrow! then i have 4 Plane wreck seeds i wanna try out.
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    Alright cool, they are bag seeds so i dont know the genetics. but i found that one male than im pretty sure i have 3 females. the plants cant be a foot tall yet tho so i thought it was kinda strange.
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    Holy shit, i just took a good look at the rest of the plants and two i can tell right now are females. my question is is why are they flowering? my light is at 18/6 and the pattern hasn't changed since long before transplant.
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    there is trim that i dont want to remove. the closet's dont have any.
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    wut are hermies..... do i want one? Y not? it sounds like herpes..i don't like herpes

    next time you see a hermie tell it to go fuck itself.
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    Thats the very bottom of the stairs. You can see it in my first pics of the room.
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    a very rough photoshop attempt And just below the air outlet in the closet is a shelf..
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    that back wall is actually concert, than the other wall is the interior of the wall my bed lies against and the corner. ill figure out something...
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    thats creepy
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    im planning on ordering a 6 inch round duct Fan - 293/218 cfm from putting a scrubber on it in addition to hopefully cooling the room more. would i be able to use a c02 tank as a substitute for a fresh air inlet? or is there anything else i could...
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    600w HPS first grow journal

    hahah i did but it only goes up to 7.6 what does me no good really i guess
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    Have any of you ever thought of farming

    i live in south Dakota and farming is a huge part of my family and community. My roommates parents actually farm only organic corn, beans, and have organic beef. you only need to hire been walkers if they are organic beans, what is'nt hard to do. i did it for 3 summers and we would just walk the...