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    A long time since last thread

    it's been awhile if any of you know who I am but figured I'd show you my progress on two outa three bagseed plants that i've grow with cfl's which luckily turned out fems, pics will be up soon.
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    Is this nitrogen deficincey?

    p.s they aren't dying i have been working on them and they are now budding like crazy....just had to wipe out the dying leaves to stimulate growth to other parts
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    Is this nitrogen deficincey?

    how do you make cannabutter?
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    Is this nitrogen deficincey?

    wtf they haven't even budded yet
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    Is this nitrogen deficincey?

    ive cut off about ten so far they keep popping up especially down low where light doesn't hit as much,on the plus side new leaves keep sprouting
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    Is this nitrogen deficincey?

    Hey RIU I was just wondering if this would be a probable case of nitrogen def. but anyway here are some pics they always help... :spew::wall::spew::spew::spew::spew:
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    This is weird

    so far i've looked at both plants male and female on the web and so far the pistils are arranged like a female but time will tell.... Clowdy good coconut theory btw
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    This is weird

    yeah as an unexperienced grower I'm don't kno how to clone but thanx for the comment i'm hoping for girls too
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    This is weird

    I've got pistils yay
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    This is weird

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    This is weird

    thanks and it all is useful being my first time...
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    This is weird

    thanks thats always nice to hear
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    This sucks ass! Check this out....

    Less the 1 month after I ripped the roots
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    This sucks ass! Check this out....

    keep it up you'll be amazed with progress i'll show a pic of mine.
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    This sucks ass! Check this out....

    ive ripped about 4 times the amount of roots you have and mine is doing fine just tender her up with some lovin and she'll come through(don't put "her" through anymore stress and you'll do good).
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    This is weird

    ohh and how do i tell the sex is it on the stems?
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    This is weird

    lol thats all i have to say...thanx for the confidence it helps....since its an indica do you think i should start the flower stage,i was thinking bout 1 more month but your feedback helps
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    although the light above may have been elevated because i was having gnat probs so a figured i should'nt keep the lights right next to the top