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  1. BudZinga

    The Official Rap/Hip Hop Thread

  2. BudZinga

    can people of color be racist?

    Racism is hating on another person due to race & being a different color. ironically being a racist has nothing to do with your skin color... it just means your a cunt.
  3. BudZinga


    Ohh look another company getting on the cookie hype.
  4. BudZinga

    best psychedelic for first trip?

    Go with shrooms and forget anything else =)
  5. BudZinga

    Dedicate a Song Thread

  6. BudZinga

    DP's Ragamuffin Reggae Thread

  7. BudZinga

    Dope, dope legalization song

    This is a real top quality legalization track, goes in! Very political.
  8. BudZinga

    What Are You Listening To?

    This is so awsome.
  9. BudZinga

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Its contagious we all see double
  10. BudZinga

    The Official Rap/Hip Hop Thread

  11. BudZinga

    Should I yay or nay?

    Yes on the shrooms. Never do Acid but do shrooms. Its a life changer and the "comedown" on shrooms is the most peaceful feeling ever.
  12. BudZinga

    Should I yay or nay?

    Coke has a comedown?? Sounds more like an amphetamine reaction... its not an uncommon scam since its cheaper and "similar in effect"
  13. BudZinga

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    The holes in the side are kinda polka dots. Have you ever thought how a "Polka Dot" cant exist?
  14. BudZinga

    Dedicate a Song Thread

    @ everyone
  15. BudZinga

    Your best sex advice...

    That Chick in Blue Wizards signature!
  16. BudZinga

    How much do I love you guys?

    I was shocked to see im the only one who voted for the dick pic.
  17. BudZinga

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

  18. BudZinga

    Your best sex advice...

    Pull out.
  19. BudZinga

    Ill Homemade Bongs

    Ooh socket set bowls! A Classic! all the ones in my parents tool box were black and covered in ash n tar haha My group of mates all had our own pipes made to fit them. Soft metal alloy hammered into the back so it fits the square lol. Thats a 10 year old flash back lol