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  1. sledgehammer111

    are these males?

  2. sledgehammer111


    I have 5 others I'm waiting for sex
  3. sledgehammer111


    Damn.. ok
  4. sledgehammer111


    Need some help. Is this a male ?
  5. sledgehammer111

    what is happening?

    Ya but turning the stem into roots is the only way to revive them at this point. Just don't water as much
  6. sledgehammer111

    what is happening?

    Ya I had a similar issue and they say that they don't get any better and they will end up dying but I raised I up the soil and they eventually came back to life. So I say keep working with them.
  7. sledgehammer111

    what is happening?

    I think your stem is rotting from overwatering or too much moisture on top layer. Try and build up medium around the damaged parts.
  8. sledgehammer111

    noob looking for opinions

    Oh ya then you are fine I'd just keep doing what your doing man cause it's working. Best of luck man
  9. sledgehammer111

    noob looking for opinions

    What kind of lights are you using
  10. sledgehammer111

    noob looking for opinions

    Honestly man they look fine to me. How far away is your lights
  11. sledgehammer111

    auto flower???????

    Ok thanks man I appreciate the advice .
  12. sledgehammer111

    Two tap roots one seed.

    i let my twins grow out for a while and one ended up snapping at the stem for some odd reason i believe the other plant was taking all the nutrients from the either. i agree spit them now.
  13. sledgehammer111

    noob looking for opinions

    ya i found that. was kinda scared at first since this is my first grow and wasnt sure why it was budding already lol. but how are they looking?
  14. sledgehammer111

    noob looking for opinions

    so ive got these plants and i just want to know if there are any opinions out there that could help me a little. teel me what you think of them. one is an auto.
  15. sledgehammer111

    auto flower???????

    ok awesome. thanks for the help. how much do you think this auto can yield?
  16. sledgehammer111

    auto flower???????

    That's what I thought. Thank you
  17. sledgehammer111

    auto flower???????

    This is another plant of mine planted around the same time as the other one
  18. sledgehammer111

    auto flower???????

    600w and I run at 18/6 hours of light to dark. It is also smaller other plants. And this one has so many hairs when my other plants have none nor balls
  19. sledgehammer111

    auto flower???????

    Ok so I just started growing and I have run into a complication. I only planted bagseeds and I have 7 plants that have made it this far. And I've noticed one of the plants have already started flowering. I believe it's an autoflower. Please help?