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  1. Sam-with-room-to-grow

    First Grow Ever. How do I know when to start flowering.

    Thank you.That is fantastically helpful. I'm so glad I joined this site.
  2. Sam-with-room-to-grow

    Delete thread

    I accidentally posted two of the same thread and one is all messed up. I don't want to gum up the works, so can someone delete it for me? It looks like I am not able to on my own. Lesson learned. here's the link
  3. Sam-with-room-to-grow

    First Grow Ever. How do I know when to start flowering.

    This is my baby Matilda (yes I named her). I am completely new to growing and received her as a gift when she was much smaller but already in veg. She's got a bit of yellowing, but I think I've started to remedy that with better fertilizing and watering. I'm wondering how I'll know when to...
  4. Sam-with-room-to-grow

    One plant, Brand new to growing ,I named her Matilda and she's beautiful.

    One plant, Brand new to growing ,I named her Matilda and she's beautiful.