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    :blsmoke:hey whiteebb sorry about punctuations and paragraphs I was supposed to go to that English class but damn I got stoned instead. Just hit the chronic helps me let go of the little shit peace out
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    well that sucked posted I should be on here more often after the next week. My ladys are looking very good approx. 6 1/2 weeks old I have 2 strains going white widow and caramelized. It is very interesting the difference between the 2 the white is a more straight up and down plant and the...
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    whats up so sorry so long getting back seasonal worker running own biz nuts this time of year all my little old ladys want done first not enough hours in day anybody want a job. my girls look great lowered from lights been misting great color as soon as I find a 6 year old to transfer photos I...
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    high folks sorry so long getting back seasonal worker and everything breaking loose at once. Thanks for all the input lowered plants from lights looked much better today and yes think was running short on water s little after lowering yesterday doubled water today and increased feed slightly...
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    very cool I am computer illiterate trying to figure out how to transfer photos from phone give me a bit looking forward to chat
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    panhead I just read your blog seems we have a lot of the same ideas is there anyway we can communicate without it being on here. I have lots of questions. I live in Illinois were med marijuana has finally been legalized. I meet the quals but am very leery about anything to do with government...
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    Help! Please it's urgent!

    cool not sure exactly how knowledgable you are sounds like you have a good concept of whats going on I to am new and learning one thing I have learned for me is the kiss system keep it simple stupid (for me not you) I was overcomplicating and seems a lot of beginners do that peace
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    is there like a chat room on here
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    not quite there yet 5 more years but if counts body is 200 it feels hey thanks girls waking up soon gal be home soon have pics on 2 hours thanks tho I will drop down a little furthrer pretty sure that's problem have fan in I really think temp ok but I will check
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    besides like said computer dumbass have to get someone home to put pic on
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    I haven't taken any for 2 weeks and they are asleep right now they will be up in a couple hours will post then temps mid 80's dropped down to 10 to 12 inches bellow bulb now
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    Help! Please it's urgent!

    dude just do something simple simple is best with the time and effort invest just a little more money and get distilled water if not draw water from tap and let sit 24 hours uncapped that will get the crap out of the tap water they put in it then if you haven't done so go to hydro store or get...
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    Ordering from Attitude

    I never have liked buying with plastic so I have always gambled and sent cash hell lost more over stupider shit besides very little paper trail I go through Amsterdam and have never had a problem and always very satisfied with product peace good luck and burn one for me
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    I am the ole hippy I am extremely new on the computer hell only had chisels and rocks when I was a kid so be patient if I stress you on here no worries just remember puff puff pass. Enough silly shit trying inside grow for first time things going well my girls be a month old tomorrow. I have...