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  1. spacecadet302

    Weird growth need answers.....please!!

    So everybody, I think I'll just start over with this thing, it's still like summer here in Ga, I'm not gonna toss it out but I think I'll just stick it on the patio outside and let it just do what it's gonna do. I getting another one ready right now. So I have a quick question if anybody can...
  2. spacecadet302

    Weird growth need answers.....please!!

    Yeah I thought about it but, I'm not really a fan of tossing out plants that are not dying, I've given other plants that were actually dying a fighting chance and they have shown there appreciation greatly.
  3. spacecadet302

    Weird growth need answers.....please!!

    No, I actually got the seeds from a friend,he had some from his grow but,nothing mutated came out in his grow it was great.
  4. spacecadet302

    Weird growth need answers.....please!!

    This is an update on that weird growth, leaves are starting to straighten out it's looking ok me. What does anybody think? How's she looking?
  5. spacecadet302

    Weird growth need answers.....please!!

    That's not what happens every time it's just this time it's really strange leaf growth and the stem seems to have coughed up it's evil twin. I do the same shit all the time MG soil and spaghnum moss mixed,say what you like about the soil but ,I get good shit from it(personal usage)strain is...
  6. spacecadet302

    Weird growth need answers.....please!!

    Hello everyone,So I have been growing this plant for about 3 weeks,at first the growth was really really slow, seemed like I was out of luck with this one. Then all of a sudden it started to grow out and grew really weird looking leaves, now I've seen some weird looking shit before when it comes...
  7. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    Hey thanx man this thing is looking delicious
  8. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    Thanx Dan, this thing seems to be taking forever man.
  9. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    Update on this girl, she Fox tailed On me for sure,new buds @TOP of cola rest of her seems to be ripening....weird
  10. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

  11. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    These are updated
  12. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    Sorry for the bad info,I got a look@my camera dates and looks like this woman has been flowering for 10 weeks this week makes eleven that pic was from week nine,gonna get a pic when I go home before lights out to show you guys
  13. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    Does it really look like it's revegging?!!?
  14. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    Thanx for your response mandy
  15. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    This girl was looking almost ripe and then she started throwing lots of white pistols She just bulked up on me and started throwing more white pistilsa few days ago,thought I was almost done but I'm gonna take the advice of some experienced growers....thanx grower, toker,and dube!
  16. spacecadet302

    Think she's ready!

    Hey this is my first grow from a seed from a bag of kush I bought of my guy that was really good, just wondering if anybody thinks this one might be done I've been in flower for about 8 weeks maybe a little more,kinda ready to smoke the herb I grew myself. Magnifier doesn't get the look@the...