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  1. E

    Marijuana Seeds

    I like the idea of a domestic seed bank...
  2. E

    Marijuana Seeds

    If I had done the research before I pulled the trigger ..I probably would not have this is for the people who have done just like me they can not worry as I had to do..A.M.S.did right by me..I may not be able to give a correct yield because of such a late start here in cali..but I will...
  3. E

    Marijuana Seeds

  4. E

    Marijuana Seeds

    I have 8 of the 10 growing ..I can say that they all look to be consistent with each other..and I happen to have a couple of blue widow or white berries if you like from a friend of mine..and they also resemble the white widow extreme .from A.M.S.....but yes I will absolutely update on how it...
  5. E

    Marijuana Seeds

  6. E

    Marijuana Seeds

    Greetings and happy belated 4\20...this is my very first post..I decided to order some seeds from Amsterdam marijuana seeds..spent $165.00..American dollars...after the fact (dumb ass) I strarted researching..I saw horrible review after horror story. one after another..... I was Mortified and...