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  1. Sunspot

    Multiple critters on my flowers, arghhh.....

    Cheers, I hope it works out too. When I sprayed it there was even more bugs than in the photos but today all of the black spots on the bottom of the fan leaves are gone and a lot of the orange spot are gone and I can only spot 1 or 2 bugs. It's still messy but visibly a lot better so I only hope...
  2. Sunspot

    Multiple critters on my flowers, arghhh.....

    I picked up some 3% h2o2 just now so I'm going to try that and hopefully I can pick up some neem tomorrow or something just in case. Hopefully it will work as this was the better looking plant of the two.
  3. Sunspot

    Multiple critters on my flowers, arghhh.....

    Thanks for the reply, it has been real hot here this week and it does look as if they came out of nowhere. I'm keen to do the H202 treatment but not sure where I can get it from in Spain, probably try at the pharmacy. I don't know, is it the supposed 3% food grade H202 that you mean?
  4. Sunspot

    Multiple critters on my flowers, arghhh.....

    I seem to be having a bug issue that is kind of freaking me out as I can't be much further than a 2 or 3 weeks from harvest, there is shit all up in my nugs an I'm nearly positive it is all bugs and different kinds but what I don't know. It's a small outdoor grow and just two plants(red dwarfs)...
  5. Sunspot

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    It's a Nirvana seeds Bubblicious. Even they state expect around 60 days of flower. I'm growing it outdoor but bringing it in at night for its 12\12 and have been doing this since may 21. It is showing all the right signs though with the sugar leaves starting to curl upwards as well. Some of...
  6. Sunspot

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    That is what I was thinking, it definitely looks and smells ready too. I was kinda expecting a couple of weeks more though as it's been just over a month of flowering but it does look the pa rt.
  7. Sunspot

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    This is a excellent thread, it proves to me in the past I have probably pulled plants way too early. Had I know about the trichs in the past I'm sure it'd of made a huge difference. That said this is my first time using this method and while I do have a microscope it is tough to tell colour on...
  8. Sunspot

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    Just an update a month on, the autos didn't get a lot of height to them and are around 25cm all up but they are all nearly solid nug going up the stem. I'll get more off of them than I first thought anyway. These pics are all after nearly a month of flowering. I'll throw in my non auto...
  9. Sunspot

    Best Strains That actually turn Colors?

    No idea from any I have grown but I just recieved a couple of LSD-25 auto seeds ordered on the basis the bud turns a lovely shade of purple, amongst other things.
  10. Sunspot

    Force flowering outdoors?

    Going along nicely.
  11. Sunspot

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    This pic taken today, coming along nicely.
  12. Sunspot

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    In the last couple of days mine have really boosted, visible growth spurts daily and I can see them following the direction of the sun as the day goes. Not going to feed them yet though, not sure when but I'll give them a little bit more first.
  13. Sunspot

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    Yeah, I did start them inside but with no lights or anything so normally take them out after a week. Just out of laziness I grabbed the wrong soil. I'd normally put them in jiffy pellets but couldn't find the key to where they were. Nice grow too!
  14. Sunspot

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    Hey, just followed yours too, yours look a touch bigger than mine at the moment but hopefully as you say they may take off now. Good luck with yours too!
  15. Sunspot

    Red Dwarf auto grow

    Well it's the first time I have ever planted autos outdoors or at all for that matter and I have this pair of Red Dwarfs on the go. I think they are just under a month old, they have gone a bit slow for my liking but that's my fault for transferring to early and using soil with feed in it. Not...
  16. Sunspot

    Force flowering outdoors?

    Just an update, things seem to be going well since bringing it in at night. No discolouration, still growing and there are certainly visible white pistils now.
  17. Sunspot

    Late season strains?

    Cheers, looks to be a decent one. I'll chase that up I think.
  18. Sunspot

    Late season strains?

    That's what I was thinking but the only autos I have grown are the two seedlings I have going now and they are Red Dwarf's so I'm guess I'll want something that grows a bit bigger and faster than them.
  19. Sunspot

    Late season strains?

    Hey all, just trying to work out my next seed order for a batch I plan to plant late Julyish. I realise it's not what I want to be doing but I figure 3 or 4 plants together should give me a decent personal stash for the winter if I can get them going that late in the year. Planting last week of...
  20. Sunspot

    Force flowering outdoors?

    I have two AF seedlings on the go now too, still small as and only just starting to show signs of growth but I wouldn't of thought of bringing them in. It's an idea. It's going to be a weird season as once I have settled in the new place I will probably start another batch of plants outdoors...