Hi everybody
I'm about to start dwc for the first time, and wanted to find a mentor of sorts.
I prefer speaking since im partially dyslexic, discord-teamspeak-skype so on? can work with text tho
ive had help from reading this forum alot before, so im not a total rookie.
my gear atm
3 oxypots...
had an extra port on my pump so put in an extra stone (got kinda noisy when i turned it up)
havent gotten arround to getting a ppm-meter .. could be that since i found out today that the water in my area goes up to about 400 which is terribad
ill get some demineralized water tomorrow proberbly...
the light im using is just a regular cfl bulb (at 1m distance its a little far away imo but better than to close i guess) got a big cfl for later when it gets some leaves
nutes are ph perfect series from advanced nutrients (i had heard good things and really liked the no ph bs)
i added a little...
ye i see now it might be a bad pic. the leave tips seem a little brittle (like if they got to much nute when the tip start to turn) you can almost see it on the right side
also its kinda been stagnant since i put it in the dwc (1½weeks) was guessing it was rooting until the leaves lost a little...
sprouted a new seedling in a cube and when it was about a pinkies length (and it didnt grow for a couple of days) i moved it to dwc
its now doing this with the leaves
ph perfect micro grow bloom
i was very gentle on the nutes - 1/4 rougly 20 ml for a 19 ltr box
the net pot is about an inch away...