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  1. nguitars

    harvesting the right time

    An argument for clear trichs:
  2. nguitars

    From lack of water?

    LOL, yeah I'm too lazy to read your post, but read your ass off on how to grow and read it again. Never mind that there are differing opinions on the subject. I'm nobody but I'll at least try. You will see the plants wilting if they really need water. Also if the yellowing and necrosis is...
  3. nguitars

    Hi, and To flush or not to flush

    It's just my tastes. I like a speedy buzz that hits you quick. I tried waiting until some of the trichs were cloudy once and I didn't like it as much as stuff I had cut sooner.
  4. nguitars

    Hi, and To flush or not to flush

    Last time I followed the looks of the trichomes with a magnifying glass I ended up letting it go too long. I gather the best time to cut is when you notice bud growth slowing. Thanks all for the input about flushing.
  5. nguitars

    Hi, and To flush or not to flush

    You may be right. I'm still learning when is the best time to cut. I don't like creeper
  6. nguitars

    second set of leaves not serrated?

    Hi. You like to bump old threads you do you do.
  7. nguitars

    Hi, and To flush or not to flush

    Pics or no care. Yes, I know I let it get way too big and out of control for the space I have it in. Also the curling leaf syndrome near the top looks bad but I'm not too worried about it. I think I'll let it go a week or so more before I cut / flush. EDIT: It's original Grapefruit...
  8. nguitars

    What's up roll it up peeps

    I see you all like to dick around. That's great!
  9. nguitars

    Hi, and To flush or not to flush

    Hello. New here. Thank you for having a newbie forum. I grow almost-organic hydro with Pure Blend Pro and Liquid Karma. I have a plant that's about ready to cut, and this time I'm thinking about not flushing. This is because when you flush, the plant is nutrient starved and in poor health...