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  1. S

    got mites??? help please

    Help please, I cant get rid of these damn mites that I was graciously given with my clones. Have tried neem oil, no pest strips, insecticides, and miticides. Please help!!!:mrgreen:
  2. S

    Please tell me I'm wrong

    I read that seeds are bi-sexual and that everything from A to Z decides what they turn out to be, so I read that when the plants are just babbies if a person loads there grow space up with carbon minoxide and lets the plants baste in this for several hours that somehow it kills the male gean in...
  3. S

    Welcome New Members!

    :weed: Hi everyone, I,m a newbie to this web site and I am tring to get some pointers from some of you more experieanced inside dirt farmers. So here is whats going on in my world I have some plants that are growing under a 1000 watt haloid. They are in miricle grow soil and I added some extra...
  4. S

    DIY Cab, 70% complete

    A couple things you may have already concidered,,1 be real careful about heat, you fire up a 400 watt bulb at the end of your bed like you have it set up now and things are gonna warm up real fast. 2- if you are lookinjg to grow some good stuff and I assume that is what you are tring to do...
  5. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi, I,m a nebie and also sort of new to growing my own,,I have been doing the best with what I have and hopefully someone out there can help me grow a better plant with a better yeild. I'm just gonna lay it all out and see who gets back with what so here goes. On or about the 15th of November...