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  1. jashua

    last cigarette

    I have heard nothing but BAD things about Chantix. The side effects are dangerous. For one, it mixes badly with alcohol, and medications. There have been many instances of somnambulism (sleepwalking) and driving while asleep. Oops. Erratic behaviour and nightmares are common complaints. In my...
  2. jashua

    has anyone tried using led light grow lights?

    I don't understand such strong reactions online. We will never meet each other, our opinions are without consequence, and we can easily ignore each other in this format. I am here for unbiased INFORMATION, not bickering! I have heard that 1 and 5 Watt LEDs are too weak for flowering, but 15...
  3. jashua

    Upside-down growing

    This thread answered a question I posted elsewhere... 'I have heard stories about an INVERTED aeroponics system, where the root-ball is elevated and the plants grow downwards towards the floor. I have heard this lets the plant grow with gravity, not against it. Is there any truth in this? I...
  4. jashua

    how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

    I have a friend who SWEARS that he brought an 1/4th oz. on a plane in his carry-on. He broke the buds into little popcorn-sized bits, and mixed it in with a package of Cracker-Jacks, or Fiddle-Faddle. You know, caramel popcorn with peanuts. Apparently, it looks the same on an X-ray. When he...
  5. jashua

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Thanks guys & gals. I sure am anxious for next-generation LEDs, though. My plan so far is to build a fully reflective-interior cabinet and use fluorescents... I am tempted to go with HPS since my rent includes electricity. My landlord will get the bill :) But the heat issue requires more...
  6. jashua

    has anyone tried using led light grow lights?

    by the way, I think I've joined an interesting site, and my research of lighting options, specifically LEDs, is what brought me here. Looks like the debate has been raging...
  7. jashua

    has anyone tried using led light grow lights?

    From what I have READ online, the LED is what NASA uses to grow plants in experiments, for all right reasons. Super lightweight, no risk of fire, no heat buildup, no bulky, heavy ballast, no replacement bulbs... just the spectrum plants eat, too. Plants apparently have no use for green, yellow...
  8. jashua

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Does anyone have experience with newer LED systems? I have read that they don't waste any power on light spectrum useless to plants. Without any white, yellow, or green light, you are left with basically red and blue LEDs, (I've seen a brand with amber LEDs in the mix) and has reports of...