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  1. S

    Auto Topping Res Build Help

    The problem is when the plants are being fed the res is drained to half way and it fills the res with more water. When the brain pumps the water from the buckets back into the res there is more water than the res can hold and then it over flows. Also I apologize I have the Greentree system not...
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    Auto Topping Res Build Help

    Okay I am trying to design a way to auto top my reservoirs that feed my plants with my cap ebb and flow bucket system. I am tired of manually topping them off with my fresh water tank. Little info of my setup: I have 3, 55gallon drums 1 drum is a fresh water tank that the RO line goes into...
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    4k Sealed Room - Humidity Issue

    UPDATE: Run Both dehums at night now with the timer kicking the second one on right before the lights go out and my humidity never goes over 50% at night now. Thanks for the tip and trick!
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    Starting a op up, need advice L@@k

    If you have a 24,000 btu mini split with the air cooled hoods should should manage just fine. 8 lights is the perfect amount for that room. But know your electricity bill is going to be at least $1000 a month if you're anywhere in so cal.
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    Starting a op up, need advice L@@k

    Okay so there is a lot I would change out here. First off that mini split is a pile of shit and is NOT nearly what you'll need to cool 6-8 lights. Go with something at least 18,000BTU since you'll be air-cooling your lights as well as intake and exhausting air in and out of your room but that...
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    Co2 Lung tent . . . .

    Tank buy on craigslist for $70 all day. Regulator is $90. CO2 Controller/ monitor is $160+. Titan rain tubing is like $16. Total around $330+
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    Starting a op up, need advice L@@k

    Shoot for 9 per light gives the ladies optimal space. As far as yield goes its totally dependent on way to many factors such as growing level, temps, nutrients, strain, etc... Aim for 1 pound per light and you have the possibility to get to 2 pounds per light once you get a strain, nutrient...
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    Starting a op up, need advice L@@k

    Your ceiling height will be your biggest problem in my opinion. You're going to have to have air cooled hoods regardless or else you'll torch your plants with double ended lights. I would do 6-8 total lights. 2 rows of 3-4. You'll need a good AC unit in addition to keep the room cooled.
  9. S

    R.O unit location questions?

    Yes with the right connector that fits between the washer cold water line and the water valve you'll be fine but also make sure to put a ball valve between the cold water supply and the intake of the ro system so you don't have a live line 24/7. You only want to top off your res when you need...
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    Co2 Lung tent . . . .

    Titan makes a CO2 rain system that attaches to your CO2 line that came with your regulator and it "rains" CO2 on your plants. Way less complicated and cheaper than your plan.
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    air injection in soil

    I have also been thinking about this for a while. I will do a side by side comparison in the coming weeks. I will post it to grow journals.
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    what do you think about my lighting?

    All that wiring makes me nervous and it isnt even my home. Make sure you are not risking a fire hazard with faulty or exposed wiring. Next get your CFL's closer to your plants CFL's put off very little heat and you can get them 8-12 inches from your plant as long as you have some air flow in...
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    4k Sealed Room - Humidity Issue

    Also, yes I am in very Southern Cali.
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    4k Sealed Room - Humidity Issue

    One strain is an OG cross. Running Sour OG and Green Crack. Thank you for all the advice, any other advice you can offer me and my new room? I am a new sealed room grower, previously had a much smaller setup with exhaust and intake.
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    4k Sealed Room - Humidity Issue

    I really like the dehum, sure there might be one a tad bit cheaper thats comparable but I bought mine for the great warranty as well as the energy efficiency compared to any others. Electricity is $0.40/KWH for me so efficiency is a huge deal for me.
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    4k Sealed Room - Humidity Issue

    Thank you, will be doing that! Great idea for the timer save me some electricity cost. Also I will dial in the temp more.
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    4k Sealed Room - Humidity Issue

    Thanks for the reply! My temps never budge during the day. I keep it 81 degrees since I'm running CO2, every day its the same temp. I can get it down to 71 daytime constantly if I really wanted to but my AC would become a horse.
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    4k watt Extra gear extra room

    It is not really a good idea to do a complete sealed room without a mini split. Other units you will have to exhaust the A/C heat somewhere, not making it a true sealed room. Also you cooling your lights from within your house is going to make it hells inferno inside your home (once again...
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    4k Sealed Room - Humidity Issue

    Hi I am currently struggling from high night humidity in my 4k DE sealed grow room need some advice into further honing in my new room. I am little over 2 weeks into flower My room during the day stays a perfect 45%-51% humidity with the 2-ton mini split running. The problem is during night it...