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  1. S

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Good morning friends!! It's around 8.20am here where I am..and after having my morning read through some posts and threads, decided it was time to spend some time with miss mary jane annnnnnnd hit my bizzzong. wake n' bake............nothing quite like it. bongsmilie
  2. S

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    mmmm, the wake and bake. takes away the stress of wakin' up. hahahaha.
  3. S

    $45-$60 a gram?

    between $45-$60 for an 1/8th is what we're used to here down south where I live. All depending on how great it is. =]
  4. S

    $45-$60 a gram?

    This is my first reply on this website, but i've been a long time reader!! =] Anyway, firstly I would never spend more than $30 on a g, strictly because if your a long time smoker like myself, you should have by this time met someone else who would love to take care you and your $30 with some...