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  1. D

    Nutrient Charts / what brands & amounts

    Do you have pictures of your girls on the GH NOVA ?
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    Nutrient Charts / what brands & amounts

    WOW That looks really good for 15 days. I was curious as to what type plant you have there, is it sativa, indica, mixed, and what method are you using to grow it ? Also,, I cant seem to open your nutrient schedule that you attached.. I tried using adobe acrobat but cant get'r to open.. We got...
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    Nutrient Charts / what brands & amounts

    What were you using before the Dutch Master ? How many times did you use it before switching ? Let me know what your ppm levels are when your mixing Dutch Master. I forgot to mention above,, we are growing "Hash Plant" and "Amsterdam Flame" 3 weeks in SOG that had too much veg and got over...
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    Nutrient Charts / what brands & amounts

    Im curious to what other people are using for there nutirents. The amounts of each different nutrient and there total PPM for each week of the cycle. I was using the General Hydroponics Flora Series, with flora licious, florablend, and liquid cool bloom. I mixed it according to the manufacturers...
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    Pencaps Ice/Afghani DWC/Soil

    What are you using for your nutrients,,, how much of each different nut are you using and to how much water or the ppm ? I allways like to know what everyone uses for there feeding schedules, the amounts, the brands ect.ect. I can never seem to find a complete grow journal that includes the...
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    hey, You replied to one of my posts in the aero section. You said I should move it. Did I do...

    hey, You replied to one of my posts in the aero section. You said I should move it. Did I do my post in the wrong section ? I thought I built an aero flo machine like the one that is soild by General Hydroponics. Thanks dono1972
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    Anyone using and aeroflo system

    Isn't the system I made an aero system ? Its exactley the same as the AeroFlo system that is sold by GH. If not, where should I move it to ?
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    Clone Machines / need some info

    I use distilled water and put in a few drops of some anti-fungal stuff to keep the water from getting bad. I have tried it with the dome on and off,, I have another machine, its smaller, a 45 unit cclone machine and its allways good, about 90% or better. I dont understand why one works out and...
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    Clone Machines / need some info

    I got a 165 site clone machine. Should the pump be on all the time or set up to be on and off with a timer ? What kind of water and solutions work best ? Humid dome on or off ? how far with lights and what kind ? Thanks everyone,,, I have had the worst luck cloning, sometimes they all...
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    Anyone using and aeroflo system

    Hello all. I have an aeroflo system,, a 72 unit system that I copied and made myself and have running at my friends house in his basement. 40 gallon resevoir with a 1280 submersable pump. We got some clones from a friend (hash plant) and made 3 mothers and put the rest into the system. 8' x...
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    my first hydro set-up!!!!!!

    be carefull with the water farms, especcially if you are using the master control resevoir to feed the individual containers/farms. The master resevoir will have your nutes and ph set just perfect, but he individual farms will pull out mostly water and leave the nutes in there and as the master...
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    Why are my clones dying

    thanks for the advice,,, thats what I was kinda thinking it was, just too much water being misted, but then again, Im thinking its something else because at my other buddies house we are using a 45 site clone machine and theres not really any problems with that one and its about 95% success...
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    Why are my clones dying

    I have a 165 site clone machine at my buddies house. I filled it with clones, and now a week later all the stems inside the clone machine have turned to mush. The last batch we took was about a 98% success rate. We use distilled water, mild veg nutes, about 200 ppm of flora nova, and ph between...
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    Hey, I read some of your posts and threads. Anyhow,,, I have been away from this hobby of mine...

    Hey, I read some of your posts and threads. Anyhow,,, I have been away from this hobby of mine for a couple years. I helped my buddy build a really awsome grow room (rooms) and built and areflo hydro system also. I got a mother plant from a buddy of mine, he said its called "Hash Plant". Have...
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    what is lowryder like to grow/smoke?

    Im curious about this plant now, after reading a little about it. My questions are this, 1) how easy or soon can you tell if there are males among them ? 2) can it be cloned, and if so, how ? 3) sog sounds good, but determining males, and getting clones sounds dificult,,
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    I've Got Some BIG Balls...

    What if, there are two white hairs coming out of the sacks ?
  17. D

    Regenerating A Plant ???

    Thanks for the reply. Your plants look nice and green. Can you keep me informed on how this goes for you ? You can send me personal messages, and we can share whats happening with our plants together, and maybe help each other out a litle also. Or we can keep replying to this post for all to see...
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    Regenerating A Plant ???

    Awsome,, Thanks for the fast replies, and info.. Do you have an idea of how many weeks I will need to do the veg cycle ?? I have no idea,, Im guessing probably about 4 to 6 weeks,, or will it be faster than that ?? Is regenerating a good way to go ? I totally suck at cloning, and have these...
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    Regenerating A Plant ???

    Thanks for the reply,, it has only been a few minutes. What do I do with the buds that are left on the bottom 3rd of the plant ? Do I leave them on, and will they fall of or convert to new growth ? Do I need to do any cutting or pruning ? How long do I leave them under the 18/6 veg cycle before...
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    Regenerating A Plant ???

    I have some plants here that are about 6 feet tall. Im going to be taking the buds off the top two feet of the plant, and was going to lower the lights down to the less mature buds for a week or two, and try to get the buds a little bigger. Is this the right thing for me to do,, or should I take...