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  1. ak47grower

    3 weeks till harvest

    Thanks I just harvested the first one out of the three it was time
  2. ak47grower

    3 weeks till harvest

    Looks nice I'm thinking I have about 3 weeks left and you have no amber hairs or triclones here are my three girls let me know if I can harvest now
  3. ak47grower

    12/12 from seed week 9 of flower #HELP

    Thanks waiting patiently
  4. ak47grower

    12/12 from seed week 9 of flower #HELP

    Here are to shots of three of my girls still not finished after nine weeks am I close
  5. ak47grower

    flowering for 9 weeks

    Thank you for clearing that up for me. so you are saying there not going to get bigger but just stack on top of each other?
  6. ak47grower

    flowering for 9 weeks

    Wow how can you tell that its seeding I have no males in sight and what is foxtailing its just starting to get crystals
  7. ak47grower


  8. ak47grower

    flowering for 9 weeks

    I know I'm just wondering how long?
  9. ak47grower

    flowering for 9 weeks

    This is a close shoot of one of my girls I have been flowering for 9 weeks and the bus have not swelled and white hairs are still coming from her HELP!!!!! HOW MUCH LONGER DO I HAVE OUR DO I NEED TO START FLUSHING NOW