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  1. D

    leafs looking purple with spots

    I have no feeding chart so can anyone help me how much I give for a gallon of water
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    leafs looking purple with spots

    Also im on this sight everyday reading an reading so im sure its my nuterince giving me problems
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    leafs looking purple with spots

    [QUI TE="passdadutch, post: 11821501, member: 903460"]Is that your ph after Nutes are mixed? It changes once it's been mixed. You should of started with 1/4 Nutes and worked your way up slowly. It also matters what ph is coming off your soil if your using soil or what ever it is. If the ph...
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    leafs looking purple with spots

    Ok will well can someone look up roots organic budda grow an tell me what to do pls
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    leafs looking purple with spots

    Ok ill i was giving roots organic ph 2 1tbs as well but I quite using it cuz its for bloom right? So I did the 1tbs of budda grow an yes thats full dose it askes for as its low in the npk ration. My waters ph is 6.0-6.5 every time run off idk about. Temp im an not real sure of. I feed/ water...
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    leafs looking purple with spots

    An I though this sight gives help?
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    leafs looking purple with spots

    Idk whats going on. I had a nut prob so iv flushed out an so fourth. Took off the messed of leaves they where coming back green then this happen last feed was 1tbs of roots organic grow for a gallon of water.
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    any idea the sex of this

    How is it pre flower its been under lights 24/7?
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    any idea the sex of this

    Yes it is...... it has a leaf prob
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    any idea the sex of this

    Just wanting to know the sex of this plant
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    clones help

    Ok still what kind of ligh can i use that will work
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    clones help

    So scent Im still in veg an Gettin a tent then going to bloom sometime then. I want to make clones an its getting close to winter. I dont have much I have like a 20 gall tub its pretty big also have a circler reflector grow ligh that u get a meijers. What can I do to get me by like what type of...
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    gnat problem

    [QUOT="Gary Goodson, post: 11779017, member: 885626"]Sometimes they come in the soil. Other times it's because the medium is too wet. One thing you can do is add a 1-2 inch layer of perlite or grow stones on the top of your soil. It'll keep that inch or two dry and that's where the nats live...
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    gnat problem

    I had a gnat problem with these plants like month or so ago I laid down new cards to see if I was getting anything cuz the older ones where dirty an a few where cought. But two day been past an iv cought a couple lil ones. Also I have grow stones an insect dust dm. An iv use fox farm dont bug me...
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    nutrients help plz

    Like a month an a half im not for sure tho that about how long I had them
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    nutrients help plz

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    nutrients help plz
