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  1. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Northern Lights, not looking so hot... I'm about to start working on the bug problem. Hopefully she makes a comeback And here they all are, 30 days old. Here's a closeup of one of my Fast&Vast's. I'm starting to see some orange around the flowering area. Should I be worried that it's...
  2. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Thank You @ShLUbY. I appreciate the advice. Since my last update, I have transplanted the girls to 3.5gal pots, and moved them out to their permanent home. They are hidden, way out in the middle of nowhere, where there is absolutely no chance of them being found. They get full sunlight all...
  3. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Hey guys, quick update. Plants have all grown a bit in the last week, but they seem to not be growing at all in the last few days. I've run into 3 main issues that I'm hoping you can help me out with. 1) The plants seem to have stopped growing. (Maybe they need to be moved to bigger pots...
  4. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Just posting some updates. They're all looking good today, and they're all starting to grow even more leafs
  5. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Got them all transplanted. I found some kind of white mold down in the soil on some of the plants while I was transplanting, is that something I should be worried about?
  6. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    I've decided to go ahead and retransplant some of the plants tonight into bigger pots, so that I can set them deeper in the soil. Last time I transplanted, I simply put the pellets into a pot with a seedling starter soil. This time, I'm planning on taking them and putting them into pots with...
  7. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Thanks for the advise @dirtpower, I was already planning on not using them anymore on future grows. I just used them on this one because I had them available, and thought they would make things easier on me. Next time I transplant, I'm thinking about trying to cut up the net a little to let the...
  8. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    The 3 that fell over seem to be doing good now. I had gone 2 days without watering to let the soil dry out a little bit. Before that, I was adding roughly 2-3oz of water every other day to each pot. I propped them up using little sticks and added about 3oz of water to each plant, and after...
  9. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    So you guys were right, and 3 of the plants fell over last night from becoming too top heavy. I used some twigs to prop them back up, and gave them some water. I will try to retransplant them all tonight and place them lower. Still no thoughts on the yellowing plant?
  10. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Thanks for the input. Next time I transplant, I will do it lower. That's just how tall they naturally grew on their own, so I thought it was good. Can anyone tell me what would cause a seedling to start yellowing so early on though? It's only one seedling, and it's the only Northern Lights...
  11. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    It is becoming clear to me now that those greenhouses I had used in the beginning were definitely the biggest problem I had. With outdoor conditions like these, obviously a greenhouse is a bad idea. My original seeds were probably boiled to death lol Luckily, these seem to be doing much better...
  12. C

    Ants digging around my plants

    Do I need to be worried about them killing or harming my seedlings?
  13. C

    Ants digging around my plants

    I have 13 small pots full of sprouts, and yesterday I noticed some ants crawling around the base of each plant. I went to check on them again tonight, and saw that they're now digging in my pots. Should I be worried about this? Will they destroy the roots, or will they be beneficial by adding...
  14. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Just moved them all to pots. Each had a tap root growing straight out the bottom of the pellet.
  15. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Awesome news, 11 out of the 12 have now sprouted and they all look awesome. The last one, which is the only White Widow seed I planted, looks like it might sprout tomorrow or maybe over night. I can see a tiny little green stem barely poking through the surface. So, it's looking like I may have...
  16. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Thanks guys. I've been trying my hardest to dial down on the water, and have been adding about 1-3 drops of water to each pellet daily just to make up for evaporation. But now that I'm seeing sprouts everywhere, I'll take your advice and let them dry out a bit. I was very excited when I got...
  17. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    2 days after planting the seeds, I'm starting to see little stems and seeds barely poking out of the pellets. Looks like about half are barely popping up right now, and I'm hoping the other half is shortly behind. This is way more success than I had before with putting the seeds outdoors in...
  18. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Looks like I may have finally caught a break. I have one good looking sprout. It's Dr Kripplings Incredible Bulk. I'm about to plant the other seeds that I've soaked all day the way you guys suggested
  19. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    I just put my last 11 seeds in some water, and have some peat pellets moistened up. When I get home tonight (in about 12 hours) I'll put the seeds straight into the pellets and put them in my window, and I won't cover them this time. Also, side note, it looks like I might actually have one...
  20. C

    Seedlings dying. Help

    Thanks for the advice guys. Hopefully this solves my problem, and I don't have to bug anyone until I come across the next problem in the journey lol