A Meanwell APC-35-500. (or a 25-350)
The light's going to be put into a small open cabinet with no real airflow so has to be efficient. (PSU will be outside the cabinet)
Edit: No real airflow
Will the QB288 V1 work with just 350 mA?
Just want to grow some succulents/cacti with it.
Or would this work too:
The wire inputs are wired parallel right?
As in, I only need to connect the power supply to one set of wire inputs. Not that any other configuration is even remotely logical but you never know low-key sites.
+-20W panel for 16 euros...
The problem with rating lights is that people who are new think that just because it grows that it was worth the money.
Any piece of shit will grow a plant.
If you're just growing for yourself and maybe a few friends and you're not smoking like some degenerate addict then a cheap piece of shit...
I prefer to keep it pure umol vs umol and not speculate about spectrums.
Rather keep expectations a little lower than too high.
550w equalling a 1000w de is speculation.
But 750w with 2.8 umol/j should certainly beat a 1000w de
I think the 550w replacing 1000w is comparing it to a SE.
Otherwise it's a little dishonest because a 550w led to replace a 1000w DE would have to be around 3.2-3.4 umol/j efficient at least.
Which is possible if you're using the new Xp-g3 royal blues but the new quantum board is "only" going...
You're first saying LED is more efficient.
But then you say it can't compete.
So if you take a 600w modern led next to a 600w hps you think it can't outyield the hps despite being more efficient?
Something isn't right there
So what you're saying is led is more efficient but can't produce the same yield so by your logic a 1000w led panel would produce less weed than a 1000w hid fixture despite being more efficient.
Don't you realize just how incredible retarded that sounds
At this point they're all more efficient than CFL so they'll all work.
That's the real problem, people who have little experience or only experience with CFL will think these cobs are great because they're (far) superior to CFL bulbs while in reality every other option is currently better than CFL.
Replacing lights are expensive.
Especially if you're operating on small profit margins.
And people who just have a conservative mindset and don't like change.
Then there are the idiots, people who think CFL is more efficient than HPS for example.
The moment you start using those budget power supplies you throw out even more efficiency.
The light bulbs are clearly a lot more efficient.
China cobs that advertise around 95 lm/w then an 85% efficient psu or so is just a systen efficiency of 80 lm/w. That's rather shit.
Also it's easy to...
Thermal management is harder since the heat output is more concen.
LED bulbs are already significantly more efficient!
efficiency is important since quality COBs not called Cree are already very cheap.
Meanwell drivers are worth the investment.
There's really no need to cut corners...
The problem with 100-110 lm/w is that it means they're quite clearly outperformed by LED bulbs.
I can get philips 13W bulbs for under 5 euros here, they're 115 lm/w with the globe on. 130+ with the globe removed.
No need to get a heatsink, no need to get a driver.
Just a ceiling socket and a...
This pepper plant is never going to go under the lights again, also got smaller pots so I can fit more in the growbox.
Will be growing some different varieties next.
Also I learned I can't really handle superhots, habaneros are fine but this is too much.