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  1. Auto-Con78

    At the finish line how are they looking..

    On my 3rd grow... nearing the finish line and about 15 weeks into flower. Didnt realize they go this long, but I'm in it for the long haul especially if I'll be getting good buds. I have posted some pics, all feedback thanks welcomed..
  2. Auto-Con78

    Harvest has finally arrived!!!

    They went about 11 weeks at 12 hrs...
  3. Auto-Con78

    Harvest has finally arrived!!!

    Let me know what you think..
  4. Auto-Con78

    Harvest has finally arrived!!!

    Oh really??? I wasn't aware of that. I'll make a disclaimer.. All the bud is for my medicinal need ONLY!!!
  5. Auto-Con78

    Harvest has finally arrived!!!

    First I'd like to thank all the experienced growers for all the help and insight with all the threads I posted on this site during the grow. All the work over the past 3 to 4 months has finally come to the pay off. Just harvested 5 strawberry kush plants. I first harvested 2 then waited a week...
  6. Auto-Con78

    Pics of fully ready to harvest bud

    These look on the verge... I think..
  7. Auto-Con78

    Check out these Colas

    Was thinking a week for more fuller one and because of recent advice through posts most likely 2 for other cola that the hairs that haven't receded
  8. Auto-Con78

    Check out these Colas

    Yes been checking trichs daily.. Was trying to wait for a little Amber but I recently heard some strains don't get any Amber. Don't wanna harvest too late or too early...
  9. Auto-Con78

    Check out these Colas

    It's just about harvest time, or so I'm thinking. I posted images of 2 diff colas from 2 diff plants.. One looks fuller, I'm guessing that is the further along one and the other needs a little more time. ... Any thoughts? Thanks
  10. Auto-Con78

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    Will the buds off a plant with the yellowing leaves be a lesser quality than on a non-yellowing plant?
  11. Auto-Con78

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    Thanks for the flushing info, next time around I'll just skip the flush
  12. Auto-Con78

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    They look delicious, what you expecting to yield? and what size pots they in?
  13. Auto-Con78

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    I have no clue, got 5 plants total.. This is first harvest ever, got my fingers crossed...
  14. Auto-Con78

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    Oh okay wasnt aware of that, good info.. thanks.... I've also been giving them pretty much water and a lil molasses over last 2 weeks but actually last feeding was water only... Figured I'd give them another week tops then chop
  15. Auto-Con78

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    I've been checking trichs daily, since this is first grow cautious about harvesting too early... I was tryn to hold off Til I seen a lil Amber..
  16. Auto-Con78

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    In the last weeks or week of my grow. I've read the yellowing of leaves is normal. I've posted a few photos... Feedback welcomed.. Thanks
  17. Auto-Con78

    Lights left on for 3 days

  18. Auto-Con78

    Lights left on for 3 days

    Accidentally fooled with timer and lights have been on continually for about 3 days... Plants are just about in last week of flowering... Should I give them 24hrs off then go back to normal schedule or just 12 hrs and back to normal schedule?? Any input is appreciated...
  19. Auto-Con78


    Thanks for responding... I'll keep a close eye on them... Should I give them 24hrs of dark then switch back to normal schedule?? Also as I mentioned I'm at the finish of this grow, down to the last week or so hopefully. Will I have to worry about them getting hermie this late on?? They have...
  20. Auto-Con78


    At the finishing of my first grow and I just realized that the light has been on the plants continually for at least 48hrs.. Will this hurt production at all?? Should I give them 24hrs of dark or longer then give light again?? Help help help please..