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  1. J

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    I made the suggested changes a few days ago, and for the last several days, not only has the calcium deficiency stopped appearing on new growth, but the growth rate has exploded - it's now growing at around 2 inches a day. Thanks everyone for the help! In case anyone runs into this problem...
  2. J

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    Thanks for all the advice! Trying to piece together what everyone is saying, here's what I'm going to try: I'm first going to run florakleen through the reservoir for a few hours (as per the directions on the bottle) in case there was nute lockout caused by too much cal/mag. The new nute...
  3. J

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    I've tried raising the PH a bit. From what I've read, the PH in hydro should be kept between 5.5 and 6.5, but calcium and magnesium are best absorbed above 6.2. The GH nutes are buffered much closer to 5.5, so I've been adding PH up to get the PH around 6.0-6.5 . Is it possible that these PH...
  4. J

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    Aren't epsom salts for magnesium deficiency, not calcium deficiency?
  5. J

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    It's consistently showing up on new growth. I've been treating the problem with CALiMAGic for about 4 weeks now (started at the recommended dose on the bottle and been going upward from there), with new sets of leave appearing every few days, and still each new set of leaves has this brown...
  6. J

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    Oops, forgot that LED lights also have a weird color spectrum ... Here are 3 pictures (under just fluoros) of leaves in 3 stages. The first one's a bit blurry, but shows only a few spots on a relatively new leaf. The next two are older leaves that have progressed.
  7. J

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    Hi all, I'm in the middle of my first grow, and like many others, I thought I had it all figured out, but can't seem to get to the bottom of one problem ... I have what appears to be a calcium deficiency, but it won't seem to go away, regardless of what I try to do. Here's what my setup looks...