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  1. W

    Welcome New Members!

    Cheers MD I will try this. I'm using autopots for the first time also and they are monsters hence the problem I'll keep you posted
  2. W

    Welcome New Members!

    Please someone help me. I'm on my 5th in total so still very new to this but all my plants are growing into my light and I don't know what to do as this is the first time this has happened. I am 4 weeks into flower so it it safe to supercrop? I really don't know what to do and iv no space left...
  3. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    Nice. It's a good smoke mate
  4. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    Yeah dry mate. We both used a clothes horse to dry. Haha. 6 plants and I had some dreaded bud rot
  5. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    I done really really well cocopops
  6. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    How you getting on coco?
  7. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    I listened to you cocopops and fed them again and started my flush today
  8. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    I started with ionic grow for the veg then for flowering switched to ionic bloom and pk 13/14 but that ran out so I bought Buddha tree pk 18/19 and they exploded. Lol
  9. W

    Heavyweight fast and vast

    80% indica 20% satvia
  10. W

    Heavyweight fast and vast

    That's me on day 55. Started using Buddha tree booster couple of weeks ago Think I should start my flush?. Any advice is appreciated
  11. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    What's your thoughts on the trics seedling?
  12. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    We're no arguing. Lol. We're trying to help each other
  13. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    The reason I'm saying this mate is if your right I don't want to waste mine n I don't want you to waste yours
  14. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    Mine have went a lot faster than yours tho. If you look at the first pic you posted on day 50 and compare it to mine on day 52 they look weeks in front. Are you not getting confused with the 30/40% of the pistils turning Amber and curling in?. That's the start of the harvest window. When your...
  15. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    I think yours look ready. Have u started flushing?. I'm an amateur so don't quote me on it but I think you should have started your flush buddy
  16. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    I'm on day 52 and there looking pretty much done. Starting flushing for 2 weeks and 3 day dark period I'm looking to harvest on day 70 mate. I'll get some pics up tonight when the light goes out
  17. W

    Heavyweight fast & vast in coco

    I've been reading about it a lot and I keep coming across there best harvested when the trics are cloudy/white for a better stone. When they turn Amber there starting to break down. There's that much to read it's a bit confusing. I'm starting my flush today