Search results

  1. Cannewbie

    Biobizz all-mix with Canna Flores

    Last week I transplanted my ladies into 5 gallon tubs of all-mix, one week later they've doubled in size which is glorious!! My dilemma is the nutes in the Biobizz will tail off in the coming week, I'll need to supplement them with another source. I've been given some Canna Terra...
  2. Cannewbie

    Light brown/tan bug infestation

    Lovely job! Thanks buddy!!
  3. Cannewbie

    Light brown/tan bug infestation

    Hi all, I've recently noticed an increase of the above description of bug on the topside of my leaves. They are extremely thin in appearance but relatively long (2mm) judging by their width. What started out as a few is now more prevalent and I'm worried as to what they are or how to treat...
  4. Cannewbie

    First time grower

    Yes, there's plenty of drainage holes at the base of each tub. Both watered as and when needed until the excess drains out the bottom. I've got pea-shingle at the base to prevent waterlogging and I'll be sure to get some perlite etc as per your suggestion. It was on my to-do list but time...
  5. Cannewbie

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone! I've recently posed a question and would love some experienced feedback on my current issue. Greatly appreciated!
  6. Cannewbie

    Male or female??? New here need help

    Definitely male I'm afraid!
  7. Cannewbie

    First time grower

    Hi guys, I'm a first time outdoor grower with 2 plants started from bag seeds I stumbled across one sunny, haze-filled afternoon. The more established is exactly 6 weeks from germination and has already shown she's definitely a girl, the younger is just over 5 weeks in and yet to show. I've...