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  1. K

    Water Cooled Grow Rooms

    Great. After this grow is done ill finalize a few things but it all works well. These plants suffered from a few mistakes but are ok. Pic is from 35 days in bloom. Not a single hiccup from the cooling system. It has been great. I was thinking i might actually add a few doodads and make it...
  2. K

    Water Cooled Grow Rooms

    Sure. I started with some GE fridge parts. This was eay to rip out. Two bolts at the bottom back of the fridge. I evacuated the refrigerant into a recovery bottle. Cut the refrigerant lines and two wiring harnesses. Then it slides right out as one unit. I didn't use the evaporator coil in...
  3. K

    Water Cooled Grow Rooms

    I made a pretty cool~ little chiller system to cool my little 4ft x 3ft grow room. I ripped a refrigerator apart and cut the evaporator off of it. I made a coaxial evaporator coil that turned out well. Using 1/2 inch tube and a little tiny pump i piped in a little 12x12inch fan coil that...