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  1. GreenToe420

    A New Beginning

    Well 2 days in soil and all 4 Critical Kushs have popped up. Just waiting on the Chemdog and Purple Kush. Got rid of that Little fan today and added a nice size oscillating fan. Does anyone have any tips on when I should start really watering? Should I let them dry out really good, I watered...
  2. GreenToe420

    A New Beginning

    If anyone have any help for me please feel free to comment! Thanks! Posting updates tomarrow.
  3. GreenToe420

    A New Beginning

    Does anyone know how close I could keep my 600w dimmed to 50% to my plants? Just seedlings and didn't break the surface yet. Its still 18/6 and when should I start upping the light to say 75% then 100%. Any help would be great.
  4. GreenToe420

    My first documented grow...

    Looks really nice.I hope mine come out as good. I just started my very first documented grow yesterday, 2nd grow total. But anyways did you do any LST? Fimming Or anything?
  5. GreenToe420

    A New Beginning

    Also does anyone have any advice on what eles would be beneficial to my grow? Molasses and such, and how would you go about using them?
  6. GreenToe420

    A New Beginning

    Just some pictures of the setup. And the HP is about 2 1/2 feet away just got a few days till my MH replacement gets here, kinda rushed and started germing before my bulbs got here and the MH came broke. So here we are.
  7. GreenToe420

    A New Beginning

    Hey everyone starting my new grow 2nd ever (first was with CFLs in a unvented closet) and I harvested bud but I was to impatient to let it dry, and kinda smoked it all before it was really ready. But here is my setup now. I've done tons and tons of research leading up to this so I've seemed to...