Search results

  1. DaoWaza

    2x2x4 growbox. HELP w/LIGHTING

    Hey dude, good luck with your grow. I have a stealth cab with about the same dimensions(29x19x48"). Heres what I'm doing, maybe it will help. the underlined aspects of my grow are some things to think about in your design" I'm using a 250 watt HPS with a digital ballast (lumnatek), the ballast...
  2. DaoWaza

    DWC: Group or Individual resevoir?

    Thanks dude. also: is there a minimum water depth for DWC systems? just cuz the buckets are pretty tall and I'm running HPS, so I don't want them to be getting burned. maybe i can runt hem in shallower buckets?
  3. DaoWaza


    True that, if you have a whole extra room ScrOG is way to go. Guess its about the $$ and paranoia factor. I couldn't commit to a whole room cuz of the latter, haha. but you know, like you said, if you could find a long low cabinet (maybe >36" long and <42"high) you could have a nice...
  4. DaoWaza

    Why is marijuana illegal?

    i'm blazin and these two lines made me laugh, its like your a govt machine undercover and the truth is slippin out through circuit malfunctions. :bigjoint: :wall: :dunce: :spew:
  5. DaoWaza

    DWC: Group or Individual resevoir?

    Hey guys, doing the preliminary research and all that on my first hydro grow, and was curious: in a DWC setup, is it better for multiple plants to share a reservoir, or for each to have their own? in doing my stealth dresser build, i could either fit the standard 55L plastic container, or 3...
  6. DaoWaza

    Why is marijuana illegal?

    I'd say the number one reason is the massive infrastructure thats already in place to stop it.
  7. DaoWaza


    Whats good Chris. I'm new to the site as well, spent all day reading the great info here. So any idea of your exact grow area yet? Lighting? seeds/clones? I'm building a stealth cabinet; hopefully my 250 watt wont turn it into an oven! Good luck