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  1. Dre1173

    Test bud. Critique

    That's an outdoor grow as well. And it's on bud off of one branch. Thanks !
  2. Dre1173

    Test bud. Critique

    Hope its not too early. Suggestions ?
  3. Dre1173

    1st timer...bagseed...81 days(11wks)...12/12 from it time to flush???

    Patience. It will pay off. Beautiful plants.
  4. Dre1173

    Ready for Harvest?

    /\/\ see above. Nice plant !
  5. Dre1173

    Outdoor grow. Aware of burned leaf tips but she loves the sun.

    She spends her day and nights outdoors
  6. Dre1173

    To early for flush ?

    She gets a gallon of rainwater in the morning, with 1/2 dose nutes , and a gallon of plain late afternoon. All collected rainwater.
  7. Dre1173

    To early for flush ?

    Thanks m8, you should smell that lovely skunk smell....drooling.
  8. Dre1173

    To early for flush ?

    She is a bit of a knockoff, but no one uses that drive way but me and she hides real well. lol
  9. Dre1173

    To early for flush ?

    Only leaves removed are yellow and dead. Curious about flushing.
  10. Dre1173

    To early for flush ?

    I hear so many different accounts on this. Since its my first , I just want to do it right. Thanks m8
  11. Dre1173

    To early for flush ?

    Oops. Thanks great site.
  12. Dre1173

    To early for flush ?

    Just wondering if I've started the flushing period too soon. Any and all help is greatly appreciated as this is my very first grow. Afghan skunk.
  13. Dre1173

    This morning

    Thanks. Hoping for a good grow. Patience is a virtue I seem to be acquiring lol.
  14. Dre1173

    This morning

    Here she is this morning. Question. Will she continue to flower as the buds ripen, and is it ok to remove some that look ready?
  15. Dre1173

    Thoughts on how much longer before harvest

    I live in the southwest and she gets 10/ 11 hours of intense sunlight
  16. Dre1173

    Thoughts on how much longer before harvest

    And it gets a min of 11hrs a day.
  17. Dre1173

    Thoughts on how much longer before harvest

    Live in the southwest and its Afghan skunk 1.
  18. Dre1173

    Thoughts on how much longer before harvest

    Will do brother. And thanks.
  19. Dre1173

    Thoughts on how much longer before harvest

    Thanks. Getting anxious. Smells awesome