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  1. C

    Question about molasses??

    i dont think theres any hope for me lol
  2. C

    Question about molasses??

    i didnt noticed that this mycro tea stuff i got at the store had molasses in it my lazy an dumb ass should have took the time to have read what was in it not just how much to use each time man i fell so dumb
  3. C

    Question about molasses??

    are u talking to me??
  4. C

    Question about molasses??

    maybe thats my problem im adding it last to the mix
  5. C

    Question about molasses??

    pretty mcuh like your just not as many gallons i have phos bat an nirto bat i use a tbsp of each then a cup of worm casting an let bubble for about 24hours with air stone but i all ways added molasses last
  6. C

    Help please! Rooted clone advice, transplanted to soil 3 days ago

    i heard those are pricey or no maybe just a couple 100
  7. C

    Question about molasses??

    i use a tsp a gallon every water..u think i should lay off for a few weeks?? i quit using it until im sure what is wrong with them
  8. C

    Help please! Rooted clone advice, transplanted to soil 3 days ago

    i never give my clones nutes for the first mouth most the time i just wait till they tell me they want food
  9. C

    What's a 3 pound plant look like??

    ive see em look like trees when i was out west never saw anything so pretty in my life
  10. C

    Help please! Rooted clone advice, transplanted to soil 3 days ago

    do u got a dome that might help mine seem to want do that if theres not a lot of roots coming out
  11. C

    Question about molasses??

    could it cause my ph to get low to if used to much cause everything was going great to i started using molasses in my teas about 2 weeks any info would be greatly appreciated thanks
  12. C

    Question about molasses??

    so if i over used molasses it would cause me to have nute look out?? cause i think u might a have just help me out man
  13. C

    Question about growth

    super cropping is the way to go i love it yield more plus makes the plant look cool i think
  14. C

    What's wrong with my plant? (pic included)

    my ph come out to 6.5 to about 7.0 its odd thats it different from time to time with no up or dwon added by me
  15. C

    What's wrong with my plant? (pic included)

    im going give that a try look up my citys water what should the hardness be at??
  16. C

    What's wrong with my plant? (pic included)

    are u letting the tap water sit out for about 24hours before use an i try to feed every 2 weeks now so i can avoid over doing it
  17. C

    What's wrong with my plant? (pic included)

    yeah dont give it nutes every feed i had this problem when at first started using guanos cause they say u can burn themm with well i know thats a lie now
  18. C

    Does this look hermied???

    i thought barnys was a good breeder i never bought seed ive had my buddys from cali give em to me an turn out great every time
  19. C

    Does this look hermied???

    damn man for sure i just had a hermie come out on me to sucks killed that whore as soon as i saw she had balls