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  1. Dogfish907

    To flush or not to flush.

    Flushing is a huge debate on here. Personally i flush using Flawless Finish for the last 5 days. Smells and burns clean and smooth.
  2. Dogfish907

    Should i be worried?

    Sounds like you would be creating a very stressful situation for yourself. Wait until you have your own place. Unless the reward is greater than the risk, dont do it.
  3. Dogfish907

    Best environmental controls

    20 x 20 Lab 6 1000w DE hps 12' exhaust fan (both intake and exhaust run by Titan controller) 8' intake fan dehumidifier run by Titan controller (different controls than intake/exhaust) electric baseboard heat for lights out period. Honeywell Thermostat. Looking to upgrade my controls. I havent...
  4. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Toaster, hairs turning? Do you mean from white to red?
  5. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Height, this is the tallest one.
  6. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    I have a scope. Wait until 1/3 of trichomes are amber and then harvest?
  7. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Toaster, indeed it has been a chore. I have the height and feeding all figured out. They are done with the stretch. I evened out the canopy by using a few three and five gallon buckets. The feeding takes about an hour a day. I water them as needed, about every other day, (3 gallon fabric pots)...
  8. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Hmmmmmmm. The black ash and such I have read about you are calling bullshit on? I have one auto that is ready today if I dont flush it. I will take your advice and harvest it with no flush and see if I can tell a difference
  9. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Im new to the "flush or no flush", debate. I had no idea their was people who intentionally do not flush.
  10. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Organic or Chem?
  11. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Guess not.
  12. Dogfish907

    multi-strain grow

    Any pointers anybody has on a 26 strain grow harvest, I would love to hear. I am 4 weeks into my first grow. Didnt understand how badly i was complicating my life with so many strains. Built a proper facility and everything is going well. Thinking about the harvest and the final flush. Many...
  13. Dogfish907

    exhaust / intake controller questions

    do I need a temp control for my 8 inch intake fan? I am only finding controllers for the exhaust fan.
  14. Dogfish907

    Premature flower from light spectrum change

    Getting used to being wrong. Thank you for the advice.
  15. Dogfish907

    Premature flower from light spectrum change

    I have made another rookie mistake. I got some more t5 lights and moved some of my mothers from 400watt HPS to the T5s. Now they have started to flower. No light schedule change. Just different type of light. I understand what I did wrong, but am a little confused on my next step. Option A...
  16. Dogfish907

    My story, input welcome

    Tents. The reason I have tents is so I didnt have to build seperate rooms. Currently I use them for veg. One has two 48" T5 lights. The other has a 1000w turned down to 400w. Eventually I will change the set-up into something else. Need practical experience to base future room design on. Slow...
  17. Dogfish907

    Clones shrivel

    Kanti, both bubblers have lots of bubbles. The one I built has more bubbles than the one I bought.
  18. Dogfish907

    Clones shrivel

    Plenty of bubbles. I used clonex root goo on the ends. Water is ph'd with no nutes. Only difference I can think of is, the two clones struggling were tops. The others were branches. I wonder if that makes a difference?
  19. Dogfish907

    Clones shrivel

    Supercloner14 from supercloset on left. My own creation on right. The one I built has four 4" air stones.
  20. Dogfish907

    Clones shrivel

    A couple of the clones I took recently are shriveled up like they got no water. They immediately went into a bubble cloner. At first they went totally limp. Now they are getting kinda crispy. Out of 16 clones two are looking really sad. Cant figure out what I did wrong.