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  1. SSG_Ranger

    How much does your weed cost?

    Places I get mine it runs $135ish/oz, I would have to find a reciept to be positive
  2. SSG_Ranger

    Im pretty baked, but

    OK, so no one has measured the light output is what I am seeing
  3. SSG_Ranger

    Im pretty baked, but

    Has anyone ever got a string of those big (like outside of your house) LED christmas lights and done some light measurements on them to see if they would work as grow lights?
  4. SSG_Ranger

    What don't people understand about "Separation of Church and State"?

    I live in dont know how important the separation of church and state is until you live here. LDS kids get time off school each and every day from middle school on to attend LDS "Seminary". There are seminaries attached to every public school...middle schools, High Schools and...
  5. SSG_Ranger

    Random Thought(High as hell)

    ah, no, would not accomplish anything (unless your goal was to see how quick your ships could be blown to pieces). You could have a serious fleet of, oh lets say early 1800's Frigates...some of the baddest ass ships of their time. Lets give you 50 of them, make you a serious contender in the...
  6. SSG_Ranger

    Ghost Experience Real?

    Ghost Adventures smoking game: Anytime one of them does something you wouldnt do unless you were baked blind, take a bong rip. As for the original question, Yes I have seen weird shit both baked and unbaked...I dont screw with Ouija boards
  7. SSG_Ranger

    Overpressure Venting

    Yeah, I live in a serious desert area, so actually the humidity from the pool room will make things easier, since there was no easy way to increase humidity in my original room
  8. SSG_Ranger

    Overpressure Venting

    OK, here is what I have.. I have an indoor swimming pool, with and sub room for my filter and heater for the pool. This sub room already has a 1'x1' box vent to the outside. I am considering using the vent setup I already have for my grow room that is currently in my garage, basically put an...
  9. SSG_Ranger

    You know you're stoned when.......

    you look at an infant on a TV show and realize there must be a whole industry in Hollywood devoted to churning out babies to be on TV
  10. SSG_Ranger

    You know you're stoned when.......

    You move things off the top of the stove because ghosts could turn on the burners, catch them on fire and burn down your house
  11. SSG_Ranger

    Silly ass question

    OK, cool, so we actually were on to something. My grow room is below ground (my house came with an indoor swimming pool and a 3 car garage, one bay of which has an oil change pit). The pit is about 4' wide, 30' long and 6' deep, covered, with cement floor and cinder block walls. I am totally...
  12. SSG_Ranger

    Silly ass question

    OK, way back when I was young (we are talking pre-bud days), we used to get chunks of dry ice, put them in a can of water and let the fog that came out flow down over our plants. Our thinking at the time was that plants "Breath" Carbon Dioxide, the fog from the dry ice was pure Carbon Dioxide...
  13. SSG_Ranger

    Cannabis and the paranormal

    actually, Im cool with it, I dont see any need to chase her out of her home, as long as she is cool, Im OK with having her here.
  14. SSG_Ranger

    Cannabis and the paranormal

    Yes, I have in the past and I think currently. In the past, my barracks in Germany in 1981-82 had been a Luftwaffe base in WW2 and the Arms Room I worked in had been the Morgue for the base. Currently sort of ties in to your last question. The home I live in now, the previous residents died...