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  1. M

    The Science Behind ‘Cotton Mouth’

    I found right now this two : I'm trying to find if there's some recepy for an alcohol extract/concentrate so that I can go around with a little bottle to...
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    The Science Behind ‘Cotton Mouth’

    You're welcome! From what you told me... I can't wait to try salagen :D I will post my experience too asap. I ordered the leafs from here (an italian reseller), but I found leafs or powder on amazon too. idk about quality though because they don't ship to...
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    The Science Behind ‘Cotton Mouth’

    Hi Randall88, how is it going ? Can I ask you if salagen helps with nose dryness too ? I have been unable to get a prescription for salagen but I'm using the leafs of pilocarpus jaborandi. On average one gram of leaf equals 5mg (0.5%) of pilocarpine (the main ingredient of salagen) . I found...
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    The Science Behind ‘Cotton Mouth’

    Hi qwizoking could you suggest some of the names of the strains that cause drooling ? For Randall88 : You could search (googling of course) into the threatments used for Sjogerns Syndrome and athrophic rhinitis. One other suggestion : when the PNS is more active (Parasimphathetic Nervous...
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    The Science Behind ‘Cotton Mouth’

    Great! You are the man :-)
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    The Science Behind ‘Cotton Mouth’

    Hi, Randall88 ! Any news about Pilocarpine ? have you tried it ? can it have serious side effects ? Im Really interested (:
  7. M

    deal with cotton mouth

    Lol That's strange :p and iinteresting :???: I think we should dissect and study you .... just kidding :mrgreen:
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    deal with cotton mouth

    Ah the fuck as soon as some buds I know of get fully ripe I can smoke weed and be happy with it. :-D
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    deal with cotton mouth

    Mine is the kind of hash that is hard pressed ... I live in Italy... I don't know how you would call it. It's from morocco. It doesn't smoke well with a common lighter... maybe I need one of those high temperature lighters ?
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    deal with cotton mouth

    sorry!! I posted accidentally. Now I have edited the post so that it makes sense
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    deal with cotton mouth

    Thx mollymcgrammar. Can I ask you a question ? Two week ago with some friends I have smoked really a lot... like 4 grams of hashish each with leafs and like half a sigarette of tobacco ( i never use tobacco ) . I have felt an unbearable dry nose for like 7 days after. My nose was soo dry and I...
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    deal with cotton mouth

    Little update : I have drank sometime ago a milkshake made with rice milk, cannabis leaves, and 3-4 grams of buds and it made me quite high ! The strain was Royal Queen Seeds Medical Mass, great taste btw :weed: Since I don't want to waste weed... Is anybody juicing cannabis on a semi-regular...
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    deal with cotton mouth

    HI my name is Michele and I have been taking mj for almost 2 years To threat a particular condition that causes me anxiety aand infiammato and dryness in the nose. for anxiety MJ does wonders :bigjoint: but the cotton mouth effect seems to make the nose worse :wall: I'm wondering : how you...
  14. M

    Anyone with atrophic rhinitis ?

    Hi I'm wondering if there's anyone in the forum that is affected by atrophic rhinitis. If positive I'm interested in how you medicate :) Bye!