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  1. C

    Stem Rot?

    man i wanna start a dwc bucket screw this soil bull but i dont want this to happen maybe adding an airstone or another pump could help mould doesnt like air circulation
  2. C

    Extremely Long Stem

    yeah bury it let it root
  3. C

    thin stem seedling

    flourecents primarily promote stem growth throw a couple in if its that big of a concern
  4. C

    Young Seedling Problem =( bent stem plz help

    i ve never heard of redding of a stem from over watering although you should let the soil dry out in between waterings roots like a oxygen just as much as water and yeah next time you should use 1 pot per plant
  5. C

    happy 4/20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yeah 420! Burn the bong dat whop
  6. C

    Fish GUTSSSS!!!!!!!!!! +rep

    i heard that using hair keeps animals away never tried it but its worth a shot i guess
  7. C

    3 wks n2 1st aero grow probs-with pics

    id say that nute burn whens the last time you flushed the system
  8. C

    Buds a bit to dry

    yeah all of these techniques work but the're all going to obsorb thc from your bud
  9. C

    Chetto stealth grow

    you can start to flower but i would let them get a bit bigger atleast 3 tight nodes and maybe some cheap reflectors out of pop cans and zip ties/tie wraps just something i came...
  10. C

    Wth is this!!!!!!!!!??????????

    lol man it looks like a blade of grass or something just kill it