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  1. Frey2005

    Just the tips?! ;)

    Ok... Is this lady more of a "Golden Girl" than my previous pulls? ;)
  2. Frey2005

    Just the tips?! ;)

    And the good news is I still have 5 plants I havent pulled! ;)
  3. Frey2005

    Just the tips?! ;)

    Thank you for the responses- and You know, Im glad you brought that up! I was really surprised how much faster these plants matured- but I did add a ton of light, so I guess I assumed that accounted for the time. I have read in most places that the trichomes is what you base it on. I have the...
  4. Frey2005

    Just the tips?! ;)

    So help a newbie out here... I am harvesting some of the plants from my second grow. I noticed that there appears to be either nute burn or possibly heat burn? What are your thoughts? Is this expected or something to avoid?
  5. Frey2005

    2nd grow... GNATS everywhere!

    Thanks so much guys! Finally got it under control with neem oil and using mosquito dunks with the hanging traps. The ladies are all coming along well. Already have a bunch of cloudy trichomes, so I'm guessing that my timeframe on my first grow was extended (took FOREVER!) because it didnt have...
  6. Frey2005

    Anyone use sunlight AND artificial grow lights?

    Just curious if anyone else has any experience using natural light from a well placed window/skylight/etc and supplemented that with grow lights? Had a pretty gnarly gnat situation, but finally got that under control with some mosquito dunks and neem oil. Now I am noticing that the stems on...
  7. Frey2005

    Is this a genuine female?

    100% lady! Congrats!
  8. Frey2005

    2nd grow... GNATS everywhere!

    So obviously, there are a hundred different ways that people will tell you to deal with them... But somebody who knows the best way and the least expensive... Help! Is the sm-90 stuff the way to go? I have tried mixing the 3% hydrogen peroxide in, but I dont think I put enough in- was a...
  9. Frey2005


    Great question... Im at about same stage and would love to hear thoughts on this too :)
  10. Frey2005

    First full plant harvest

    Thanks guys :). Now I just wish these other 6 plants would finish! I am itching to get them trimmed, dried and curing ;-)
  11. Frey2005

    First full plant harvest

    Well today Miss Glinda was harvested! This was a first time grow/experiement, so I'm happy with the result so far :). So after chopping all the branches off and trimming them I decided I wanted to weigh it wet to see how much is lost in the drying and curing. It was almost 5 oz exactly which...
  12. Frey2005

    Growing is becoming a new "addiction"!

    I can say it IS addicting, but more than that it is relaxing... I am nearing the end of my first crop and am shocked by plants and the quantity! I must have set my expectations for myself pretty low- because I am very happy with the outcome! I havent done a ton of gardening, but I think...
  13. Frey2005

    Is this a hermie sac? (Picture)

    I see no green dots... Where exactly?
  14. Frey2005

    Well NOW what do I do??? ;)

    Starting to think this is the way to go and use my cabinet for drying/curing... :).
  15. Frey2005

    Well NOW what do I do??? ;)

    I also wonder if the fact that I used plastic pots on my cab girls made a difference. I designed and sewed the ones in the windowsill out of duck cloth canvas and made velcro opening hatches on the bottoms for transplanting if I needed. I wonder how much the increaed airflow to the roots...
  16. Frey2005

    Well NOW what do I do??? ;)

    Thanks! Yeah I paid a LOT more attention to my cab girls... These poor window gals had no lst no topping no nothing... I did give them water and nutes along with the others. But the funny thing is- looking at the buds on the window plants- the yield is going to be no comparison... Those...
  17. Frey2005

    Well NOW what do I do??? ;)

    I actually did luck out in that respect. We live on a conservation, which this window faces. Between that and the bathroom privacy glass there would be no way to see what I was growing exactly even if people did go back there.. (Which they don't). I frankly never considere a windowsill grow...
  18. Frey2005

    Well NOW what do I do??? ;)

    That is my EXACT theory on how they all ended female... Because it stressed and self pollinated with nanner... Since no males around to add the less fair sex's dna into the mix.... Female seeds! As far as light- these guys had plenty as seeds and little sprouts- but as time went on and...
  19. Frey2005

    Is this a hermie sac? (Picture)

    Looks more like a calyx to me, but hard to tell for sure. I would just watch it closely for the time being.
  20. Frey2005

    Well NOW what do I do??? ;)

    So this is my first grow... And a quick glance at any of my pics will probably make that fact glaringly obvious... ;) Couple things I ran into in this grow. First- I was NOT prepared to get 8 out of 8 female bag seed... That was unexpected given that I have read in many places that you get...