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  1. Hacheres

    male, female, or too soon?

    I would wait to see some pistils... If no kill it.
  2. Hacheres

    Ready or not.

    Yep I would give it a bit more time to see amber and then chop. Have a great yield.
  3. Hacheres

    Day-49 ,flowering

    Amazing garden! Well done:clap:
  4. Hacheres

    To flash, or not to flash...

    I guess that flushing a waste of time.
  5. Hacheres

    What Are You Listening To?

  6. Hacheres

    plants look sad?

    As for me they looked sad because overwatering.
  7. Hacheres

    Circulation fan too powerful?

    You are right. Strong fan can bring damage to your plant. Try to move it further.