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    Large grouping of flowers, help? first timer

    Thank you, hahah too bad this was all on accident, really rooted for a female cx
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    Large grouping of flowers, help? first timer

    Really? well at least i know the sex now haha thank you, but do you know how i cant contain the pollen ?
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    Large grouping of flowers, help? first timer

    its a male? are you sure
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    Large grouping of flowers, help? first timer

    I planted my plants last summer, and then they got ran over by a lawn mower, well months later thinking that they were dead, i went to the back yard and it has seemed that nature has taken its course. So the plant is now growing with large groups of white flowers. What am suspecting to happen...
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    New England outdoor 2015

    What do you guys think?
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    New England outdoor 2015

    i planted these plants and they got ran over with a lawn mower, and i thought they died (BOY WAS I WRONG) They are growing still and, they are growing flowers, and are like on top of the plant and just sitting there, Im confused and need help. I dont know whats going on and they are both females.
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    New England outdoor 2015

    Anyone want to help me out really quick?
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    So there is this plant that i planted LONG AGO and thought it had died from a lawn mower...

    So there is this plant that i planted LONG AGO and thought it had died from a lawn mower accident, well BOY was i wrong, This plant is huge