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  1. goose_chase

    Help with Planned Soil Mix

    Hi everyone, I have been trying to grow with limited success and I'm looking at mixing up these ingredients for a soil mix to try again. Here's the ingredients the quantities given are just the amount I plan to buy/already have: PLANT MAGIC SOIL SUPREME 50L WORM CASTINGS 20L PERLITE (I have...
  2. goose_chase

    PM soil AUTO Grow Second Grow day 41 Looking for Some Help

    Day 41 from sprouting 6x Norhtern Light x Big bud AUTO from World of Seeds Germ in Root Riot then moved to 12l pots PM Soil supreme and perlite mix Waterings with bottled spring water and tap water that I leave standing. 600 watt Sunmaster dual spec with parabolic 20/4 1.2x1.2m temps humidity...
  3. goose_chase

    Second Grow, forgotten info!!

    Just noticed that comma instead of an apostrophe. Promise I'm not retarded.
  4. goose_chase

    Second Grow, forgotten info!!

    I,m just starting my second grow. Northern Light x Big Bud Auto. I got a new bulb a 600 watt dual spec HPS. just got them sprouting in the root riot cubes with big tap roots popping out so potted them into Friday: Seeds went into glass of water Saturday (26 hours later because I forgot): Seeds...
  5. goose_chase

    When to remove seedling from polystyrene tray.

    OK thanks, so wait for more root development?
  6. goose_chase

    When to remove seedling from polystyrene tray.

    Just a quick one: I usually start seeds in root riot cubes but I had to go away with work so used a polystyrene self watering prop. The seed has sprouted and there's a taproot showing at the bottom. If this was a root riot I would pot it up now. I'm just wondering if I need to let more roots...
  7. goose_chase

    Auto flower questions

    I'm using plant magic soil supreme. All the other nutes you talk about are optional extras and my friend grew amazing green this way with just the soil and the grow and bloom, hence why I'm doing it, so can't agree with you that I need those extras. Cheers though.
  8. goose_chase

    Auto flower questions

    I know the feeling mate. I am a storm of rage without caffeine . Let me explain my dilemma fully to you: I started 5 Critical Skunk regular seeds (this is my first ever grow) and came to topping them. So I have 5 plants that need topping. Obviously one of them has to be first doesn't it? So I...
  9. goose_chase

    Auto flower questions

    Duff info makes research hard.
  10. goose_chase

    Auto flower questions

    so autos get 18/6 for their whole life? I thought it was 12/12 the whole time. Can you clarify please? ISK you say treat no different to normal seeds. So start under T5. But how long under T5 before putting under HPS. I have simple questions here but keep finding more and more...
  11. goose_chase

    Auto flower questions

    Just a couple of quick questions: 1. Do Autos have to be started under T5/Blue spectrum and changed to HPS later? Or do they go straight under HPS from seed? 2. I have Plant Magic OldTimer grow and bloom. What kind of nutes should be given to autos and when? Appreciate the help and prefer...
  12. goose_chase

    Cant get my Bong fully cleaned!!!!

    Mate, I don't know if your bong is still dirty but I find meths and salt good; but if you replace the salt with sugar you get better results. Get a sugar cube and hit it once with something heavy so it breaks up into big pieces. These have sharper edges than the salt crystals and give a better...
  13. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    Thanks mate, really appreciate the help.
  14. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    so once they are in pots and out of the prop I should bag/jar over them to maintain humidity but for how long until I remove the bag? Think that's the last of this round of questions, if somebody knows of a good video link for the potting up process a link would be great, there's just so many...
  15. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    Thanks for the help, I'm using Plant Magic Soil Supreme, you can read about it here: people say to treat it like a "light mix", a friend recommended it, it is meant to be good stuff by all accounts. It has the exact moisture content that you...
  16. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    I must seem panicked, I'm totally calm I assure you, I just wanted to get these questions fired out there. I'm loving the rapid responses.
  17. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    Yeah I do want to ask questions about lights/cfl/wattage but I thought I'd focus on the plant matter at the moment.
  18. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    Well that was quick, do seedlings get nutrients from soil at this stage? I thought the nutrients stored in the cotyledon leaves fueled the first two weeks of growth. OK so I have watched a lot of videos on potting up but they have left me with some questions. when I put some soil in the pot...
  19. goose_chase

    Any Seedling Advice For New Grower?

    Hi Everyone, I just recently started my first grow and there's a couple of questions I'd like to ask. I'm growing Critical Skunk from Mr nice, starting in root riot cubes then going to move into Plant Magic Soil Supreme. I put the seeds in water for 24 hours then planted them into the root riot...
  20. goose_chase

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone, I just recently started my first grow and I am going to be posting up some questions. I'm going for Critical Skunk from Mr. Nice in root riot cubes then Plant Magic Soil Supreme. Stand by for questions!