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  1. 6>4

    Sick plants from dispensiry :/ help appreciated

    WOW THANKS FOR ALL THE REPLIES GUYS! i repotted TO ff soil because the previous soil had them also!!! ×.× prehaps the soil has them ALSO but the gnats came from the dispensary ALSO trust me. Thanks for the knowlege on hot soil, ff didnt say anything so i figured it wasnt that hot; rookie mistake...
  2. 6>4

    Possible magnesium deficiency in nutrient film setup? Help appreciated

    Hey guys! I told you id keep yall updated! This is her today. Doing GREAT! Using the flora series for nutes, and distilled water only, 24hr lights. I do however have 2 soil clones with problems now so if anyones interested check out my other thread i would appreciate all your help, you guys are...
  3. 6>4

    Sick plants from dispensiry :/ help appreciated

    Hello everyone thanks for your input and suggestions first of all. I recently purchased some large clones from the local mart :)....they looked pretty healthy when i brought them home! I put them in fox farm ocean forest soil and water with distilled nute rich water. 1st, when i stir up the...
  4. 6>4

    Help!!! - Not growing leaves brown

    yea i kinda agree with scrapping atleast the lanky one.... the other one would be nice if it was treated lots of research and rule out problem possibilities depending on your technique and treat for the remaining possible causes..... thats the best help i can give goodluck man...
  5. 6>4

    lol totally agree

    lol totally agree
  6. 6>4

    Help!!! - Not growing leaves brown

    do you have drainage? was there any difference when you transferred them? the stem looks really weak on that one. Im by no means an expert but because you had no nutes at all, its probably suffering from a deficiency or a root problem and obv not a toxicity. Is the new growth yellow immediatley...
  7. 6>4

    whats rollitups mascot supposed to be?

    whats rollitups mascot supposed to be?
  8. 6>4

    Possible magnesium deficiency in nutrient film setup? Help appreciated

    This is her now. Roots less slimy forsure, but slightly brown due to staining i assume because she is still exhibiting great growth daily so i dont think root rot is an issue.... . I scrapped the reflective packets (lol) and covered the cup that sits in the channel with tin foil for reflection...
  9. 6>4

    Possible magnesium deficiency in nutrient film setup? Help appreciated

    i will spray around the plants roots. it is sitting above a water supply also. i figured the reflective packets wouldnt do much BUT when i remove them, i see shadows beneath the leafs covering undergrowth but with them there, the underneath of the plant IS getting reflected light i just thought...
  10. 6>4

    Possible magnesium deficiency in nutrient film setup? Help appreciated

    Thanks ALOT for all the great information that i did not know! All you guys gave me helpful insight that will hopefully help other people also. @ dumme > its Nutrient film hydro and the pics r close ups of the cup sitting in the channel which is sitting above the nutrient reservoir (cant see in...
  11. 6>4

    Possible magnesium deficiency in nutrient film setup? Help appreciated

    notice the yellowing between veins.....i know it doesnt look extremely bad but thats hopefully because it isnt yet......
  12. 6>4

    Possible magnesium deficiency in nutrient film setup? Help appreciated

    dont laugh at my reflectors to shine light from underneath
  13. 6>4

    Possible magnesium deficiency in nutrient film setup? Help appreciated

    Hello im not new to this sight just new to posting threads and also a beginner at growing cannabis. I would also like to thank u ahead of time for the input you provide i actually do appreciate it. I purchased a grandaddy jack clone from my local dispensry. I brought it home and set it up in my...