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  1. PhrostbyteRPX

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    wassup JohnnyO, im lookin for a heavy indica to put me to sleep..and maybe somethin to munch on. what would you reccomend?
  2. PhrostbyteRPX


    I agree with parker...if you put a flame straight to keif or even bud for that matter it will burn away some of the chemicals before your lungs are able to absorb them. you won't lose much, some may not even realize, but if your like me you treat that shit like gold.
  3. PhrostbyteRPX

    what to do when your girlfriends brother steals your buds

    i have had plenty of things stolen from me, unfortunately it was more than a quarter and worse than that it was by a so called "friend" ha. one thing i do know is not to be an idiot and do something to get the law involved, that is first and foremost. thieves tend to get whats coming either way...