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  1. B

    Harvest time

    Yea mws has a disclaimer about seed germination and not to contact them that they may not answer, I wont be ordering from themem again had good luck with bonza will stick to them next time
  2. B

    problem with seed germination

    I ordered 4 seeds from midweek song 1 lsd auto one girl scout cookies auto and 2 freebies. Not one has germinated either! Is there anything can be done since for souvenears only
  3. B

    problem with seed germination

    I got 4 seeds from mid week song one lsd one girlscout cookies and 2 free ones.not one has germinated. Can a person do anything about it since they are for souveniers only?
  4. B

    Harvest time

    I also got 4 seeds from midweek song not one germinated!!