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  1. BiggerTom

    Earwax removal?

    I use a waterpik! Got the idea from my doctor who after three ear irrigations bought one to clean me out. Now I can do it on my own. A little warm water, the soft pulsation of the pik, shit will come FLYING out!:fire:
  2. BiggerTom

    Growing Larry OG, and Chem D x SFV OG (seed from cali connection)

    I germinated some of these seeds. How're yours doing?bongsmilie
  3. BiggerTom

    'Gravity' spots on leaves

    I guess no one uses Gravity. Hmm.:confused:
  4. BiggerTom

    'Gravity' spots on leaves

    Whenever I use 'Gravity' my plants get what I call: 'Gravity' spots. I have become used to them, and almost welcome the look because I know that it means that harvest is near. I use it full strength, and I raise my lights. I followed the directions religiously. but... What causes it? There must...
  5. BiggerTom


    I just got done killing mine a few weeks ago. Made it into butter. I don't see seeds on anything else--looks like I got to it in time. Or I can't see what I'm looking at.
  6. BiggerTom

    Newbie needs question about a hermie plant answered.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I just saw one little pod on the whole plant. I cut it off. The rest LOOKS all female. Is it okay, or will other scrotums be on the way. It has nice looking buds on it. I hate to ruin it, but I may do just that. Thanks again for the insight 123 puff.
  7. BiggerTom

    Newbie needs question about a hermie plant answered.

    :shock: Okay, so I am in my tent watering, when I bump a plant,and notice some dustlike substance flying about. I start to trip thinking that I may have a male plant in my tent with my girls. But though the plant looks taller and such, there is nothing bu t flowers and pistils. I call the guy...