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  1. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Day 33 Starting to fill out more with buds. Vertical growth has pretty well stopped.
  2. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    left one is about 18 inches other one 12 inches big difference in height
  3. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    day 24 hoping the stretch phase is over. Starting to see more flowering
  4. C

    Williams Wonder

    Is it only available by clone? Can anyone recomend a strain similiar to Williams Wonder? Thanks
  5. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Flowering day 21 Plant on the left growing about an inch a day. Big difference in height between the 2 of them. Stretch phase probably coming to an end soon.
  6. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Thanks for the encouragement guys. Yes, I'm currently flowering with the CFL. Day 17 of 12/12 I repotted both plants in 1 gallon pots. Also, I found I have to be careful with the bulb distance from the top of the plants. Tips of the leaves for new growth turn brown if they touch the bulb.
  7. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    got them from Highgrade seeds. first time using them. The price was right. I think I got 12 or 13 seeds with my order.
  8. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    male flowers showing
  9. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    day 15 Remove 2 plants. Started flowering 3 or 4 days ago. Still growing quite fast. Fertilizing using flowering blend now about 600 ppm
  10. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    I expect them to stretch for the initial 3 weeks of flowering. Besides, with flowering under CFL, not sure vegging them for a long period and letting them get taller is worth the effort.
  11. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Day 7 Growth seemed to stall for a few days after I switched the light schedule. Seem to be growing more rapidly again. Had to raise the reflector by a chain link. I've been rotating and moving the plants around every few days as well.
  12. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Early on I had them under 2 x 20 watt fluorecsent while I got the hydrofarm reflector set up. That's why they stretched.
  13. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    day 4 Fertilized with 600 ppm nutes. Still using the grow blend instead of flowering blend cause still seeing rapid veg growth. I've been pinching off any new branch growth from lower nodes. Set up a fan in the closet that goes off and on with the timer. Provides some gentle air flow for the...
  14. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Day 2 of flowering. Did a little pruning on lower branch growth.
  15. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Starting to see some rapid growth. Probably switch to 12/12 later this week.
  16. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    About 10 days old I think. Repotted into coke bottles. 24 hours of light. Maybe a week or 2 more before I switch to 12/12. Watered with a low concentration of nutrients. Somewhere about 200-300 PPM
  17. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    don't know exactly. about a week since they sprouted I think.
  18. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    no cab. walk in closet.
  19. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Used some soil to support the stems and adjusted the hood for about 5" distance. Now on 18/6. No nutes yet. Just tap water. Lookin good. :clap:
  20. C

    125 Watt CFL - NL #5 experiment

    Its a true 125 watt bulb. Warm 2700K. Got the hood and bulb off ebay.