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  1. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Well, harvest yesterday!! Looking to be hopefully close to an ounce. I'll post some pictures soon.
  2. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Doing pretty good Boneman, just watching the grass grow. Thanks, hopefully I'll see a lot more development coming into the final stretch. My first grow ever. =D
  3. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Yours are beauty's too! Ton of colas.
  4. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Here go some pictures taken yesterday. She's beautiful!
  5. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Well, it seems like time was just the issue. It's into week 5 and there has been an explosion of growth, within the last couple of days. I'll post some picture in a bit.
  6. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Wow, crazy pistils, but very nice looking plant you got ddriver! How much more light should I add? if that's what the problem is. And is it possible to over light the plant?
  7. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    uhh...what's bloom?
  8. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Cfls. 2x100w replacement bulbs and 3x75 watt replacement bulbs, all soft white light (2700K). (sort of forgot the real wattage and they're sleeping right now)
  9. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    I'm not too sure about the strain, your guess is as good as any. Here's a couple more pictures I took before I killed the light. Also I was wondering If should expect anymore growth height wise, cause I'm starting to run out of room. Haha.
  10. BBlue

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering

    Hey everyone! I'm about 3.5 weeks into flowering and I was wondering what people think about the progress. So, tell me what you think!
  11. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    So far, it looks like she's doing better...I guess. A lot the sun leaves that grew from outdoors have really dried up, but the other leaves seem to be doing well. Here's some pictures.
  12. BBlue

    Stealth Dresser Grow (CFLs/Fluoro/LED)

    Wow, really nice crop you've got there! Congrats.
  13. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    By the way, thanks everyone for helping out.
  14. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    Right now the plant is like, 2 feet. How many lights do you think I should get? I wanted to get a HPS light, but due to room restrictions room for much more than CFLs. And how big should the pot be? The one I have now probably holds about a half gallon of soil.
  15. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    Right now I'm using 2 70watt cfls. I plan getting one more, in addition to a terrarium light.
  16. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    All right, I'll try to take the watering down a bit. Also, because I plan on starting the flowering cycle soon, how big of a container should I put it in?
  17. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    Trying it again. Hopefully the pictures will be up this time....
  18. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    I posted a couple of pictures. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks
  19. BBlue

    Leaves turning yellow

    I have a three month old plant, and I've recently moved it indoors. Now some of the bottom leaves are slowly turning yellow, drying out, and falling off. The leaves don't become brittle until they completely fall off. I'm stumped on what it might be, please help. thanks