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  1. B

    Xanax, how long does it stay in your system?

    Not a big user, however I have pretty bad anxiety & take it when I need it. Due to some personal stuff (medical) going on I took 8mg(not at once) on Wednesday, 5 around 4pm & 3 at 10pm if I had to guess. I get drug tested on Monday morning. I know, not very smart at all but I wasn't trying to go...
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I'll ease your mind. I smoked weed about a week ago but my doctor probably wouldn't care anyways. The reason I wanted to go through all of this craziness is b/c I'm on subs. This same sub doctor (he is a psychiatrist, prescribes everything) put me on bezos. He had me on subs & benzon for over 2...
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    It wasn't for a job but either way it feels good stickin' it to these shady doctors.
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I passed, I was worried for no reason. Thanks everyone for the help:)
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    Good idea I'll tell him I have stage fright and that I also have low T lol. Causes urinating problems.
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    Should I take the hand warmers off the bottle now or just do it once I go into the bathroom for the test. It's prob 105 or higher right now.
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I'm here now waiting to take my test. I just went into the bathroom to check the temp with my thermometer. I dipped it into the urine & it said 105 so I put the bottle in some cold water and I was able to get it down to 96-100. Now the bottle is back under my balls with the hand warmers around...
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    This is what the thermometer said when I stuck it in the bottle after heating it up under my junk: (This looks 98 to me) I should be fine right? And this is the strip on the bottle:
  9. B

    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I'll be at the office for an hour before my test.
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    Test is tomorrow, no time to get any of that stuff.
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    So my balls and my own body heat isn't hot enough? Or maybe I didn't keep under my junk long enough? I guess I'll try the hand warmers now, see what happens. And then maybe buy a digi thermometer tomorrow.
  12. B

    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I have clean piss in my fridge in a bottle (just got today) & on the bottle I have a temp strip (got from pet store). I used water for my 1st test and my dirty urine for my 2nd test. I put the bottle under my junk and wrapped an ace bandage around it. About 40 minutes later the the temp strip...
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I dilute my own dirty urine, drink all the water I wan't I'll just have to take the drug test again again. I have clean piss in my fridge in a bottle (just got today) & on the bottle i have a temp strip (got from pet store). I used water for my 1st test and my dirty urine for my 2nd test. I put...
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I have real urine, my buddy helped me out. I actually have it in a bottle right now seal tight, in my fridge lol. It should be good for tomorrow at 11am, right? I'm on a medication and this doctor doesn't allow you to be on other certain meds, sort of a list. The other med I'm taking is a no-no...
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I already have my buddies pee in a bottle. Why do I need fake pee? Also, I just need to know what temp it needs to be.
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    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    I feel like an idiot even having to ask this but I need to pass my drug test tomorrow & I'm pretty unprepared. I'm going to my primary care doctor tomorrow. He uses these cups that come in package. He just hands me it, I go to the bathroom down the hall & you just rip the packaging open. Once...
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    Hey smokers!

    On & off smoker here. Excited to meet some fellow stoners here! Thanks for having me :bigjoint:
  18. B

    Using anothers urine for a drug test?

    I have a drug test coming up on Monday at my doctors & I'm definitely going to fail my test. However, he uses these cheap dip cup tests that show the results instantly. This doctor drugs tests all most all his patients, literally has a drawer full of them. I asked my girlfriend to help me out...