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  1. O

    LED Light Pods

    I stumbled upon this blog this might help you find your answer if you click on the links on the left of the page it will take you to suppliers for more info.
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    Any one Know about these lights?

    any opinions on these light from experience?>
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    Any one Know about these lights?

    i stumbled upon this blog and never heard of these lights before they work?
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    best way to grow indoors handsdown

    I found these babys online and was impressed no seriously they work like you would not believe check them out for yourself Super GROW with LED LIGHTS
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    You definetly need these lights for any grow room

    I found this when i was researching and it was very informative i recently order a few lights and was very impressed the plants grew at least twice as fast as any other light i used i found them here :arrow:Super GROW with LED LIGHTS
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    For the new comer

    These are the newest lights for growing and most effective my plants grew 3 times faster and it cost less to operate than my old lights i found them here :arrow:Super GROW with LED LIGHTS
  7. O

    I found a new way to grow FAST and CHEAP

    I found these new grow lights that made my plants grow three times faster and cost lest to operate i found them here :weed:Super GROW with LED LIGHTS