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  1. C

    Midwest Weather Sucks!

    Now in Wisconsin the sun has been shining for the last few days and its been about 70 and sunny with no rain. I'm putting my plants out in a few days in central wi and I hope the rains have stopped.
  2. C

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    I'm really scared to put my girls outside for the summer with all of this rain. Its the end of may and its still only 60 degrees, it seems the season is gonna get cut short by a month or so. How much rain can a plant take before its done for? Do you guys think it would be better to put them...
  3. C

    1000W Ministry of Cannabis Big Bud Grow- Second Grow

    that sounds awesome, I'm only expecting maybe an oz off of my girl but thats all I was going for but we'll see. If you have no where to put those clones maybe I could hold on to them for your or you could donate some to me :) ? (just a thought, lol)
  4. C

    1000W Ministry of Cannabis Big Bud Grow- Second Grow

    Nice, I'm jealous. My girls are only 25 days into veg and I hope they look like this. You ever thought about putting some outside in Wi? I was thinking about putting some outside after they veg for a bit but cuz of the weather I'm not sure. How much do you plan to yield?
  5. C

    Wisconsin Outdoor Attempt

    Hey, can I ask you what part of Wi are you growing in? I'm thinking about putting my girls outside for the summer but I'm not sure since the weather here has been shit. I'm afraid if I put mine outside they will get too much water or something and die.
  6. C

    Midwest Weather Sucks!

    wisconsin grower here, the weather this year is terrible. Its the end of may and its still raining and shitty, such a bad season for us :(. Anyone else growing in WI?