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  1. B

    C99 x Panama Red

    Like bud2befree said it is a oldschool strain I remember all 3 that he is talking about. My older cousins use to fly to the moon and not make back on time for dinner and thoose 3 strains and thai stick were to blame. lol
  2. B

    The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home.

    They would be very pissed and because all they would find is a angry ass 245 pounder playing madden in his underwear wonedering why WTF did you just knock my door down for? If they want to play all they had to say was next.
  3. B

    Bag seed, 2Nd Attempt,Closet grow 600W hps/185W CFL's

    First that is one nice looking Lady Bro. I would not worry about the pistils it's all in the trichs, get a mini scope and check them and depending on the type of buzz that you are going for thats when you take her down.
  4. B

    Trich size????

    You need a micro scope to see the trichs. Radio shack Sells one for $10-$15 and they work very well.
  5. B

    eazy clone 60 site cloning machine

    You will not be disappointed!